
How America can build a durable military balance in Asia
How America can build a durable military balance in Asia
During his tour of East Asia last month, US President Donald Trump visited five countries, but Americans could be forgiven for thinking that he only went to China, given the US…
Post-Soviet states feel lure of (Chinese) socialism
Post-Soviet states feel lure of (Chinese) socialism
Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang's visit to Hungary for the sixth China-Central and Eastern Europe Countries (CEEC) Summit last week demonstrates that China has become an…
Mistrust of Australia is growing in China
Mistrust of Australia is growing in China
Over the past year or so the mood in Canberra has soured toward China. Indeed, of the countries unsettled by China’s rise and its increasingly confident and assertive foreign…
Risk aversion in domestic Chinese politics
Risk aversion in domestic Chinese politics
The 19th Party Congress was a watershed for the Xi administration. Feverish speculation about candidates for promotion the Politburo Standing Committee is over, but their policy…
Review: Clash of expectations for Hong Kong and Beijing
Review: Clash of expectations for Hong Kong and Beijing
Review: Simon Cartledge A System Apart- Hong Kong’s Political Economy from 1997 Until Now (Penguin, 2017) Simon Cartledge traces the economic, social, and…
Sam Dastyari and Chinese government influence in Australia
Sam Dastyari and Chinese government influence in Australia
Senator Sam Dastyari has found himself back in the spotlight after Australia media outlets reported allegations that Dastyari gave Chinese billionaire Huang Xiangmo…
'Australia needs to engage China and hedge the risks of this relationship'
'Australia needs to engage China and hedge the risks of this relationship'
Originally published in The Australian (Photo: Max Braun/Flickr) Alan Dupont
What the White Paper misses on China
What the White Paper misses on China
The Foreign Policy White Paper paints a picture of an uncertain world and troubling times. With this understanding as its foundation, the White Paper outlines what approaches…
Academic cooperation with Chinese characteristics
Academic cooperation with Chinese characteristics
I recently co-convened a small international academic workshop with a Chinese university. Since we wanted to involve quite a few China-based scholars and the topic concerned China…
Trump’s truancy in Asia could hasten a hegemon’s demise
Trump’s truancy in Asia could hasten a hegemon’s demise
Donald Trump’s no-show at the East Asia Summit last week sparked fresh anxiety from Asia-watchers worried about Washington’s commitment to the region. These concerns are hardly…