
American carnage, take two
American carnage, take two
With fewer than 100 days until the next election, US President Donald Trump has made it clear that he’s done with the coronavirus. Last week, he shifted his talking points to…
Western liberalism’s crisis is self-inflicted
Western liberalism’s crisis is self-inflicted
Originally published in The Australian.
Europe, united in recovery – for now
Europe, united in recovery – for now
It took four days and a “historical” summit for the heads of states and governments of Europe to finally agree on the recovery plan that should help the European Union face the…
The world can still prosper from free trade
The world can still prosper from free trade
Did anyone notice that the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA), the revised NAFTA, entered into force on 1 July? If not, do not be too concerned, as the Covid-19 crisis…
Vanuatu: A real test for local emergency response
Vanuatu: A real test for local emergency response
Rated as the country with the highest disaster risk worldwide, Vanuatu is no stranger to severe tropical cyclones. When Tropical Cyclone Pam struck the country in 2015, it…
China's Deep State: The Communist Party and the Coronavirus
Research Notes
China's Deep State: The Communist Party and the Coronavirus
China's political system was instrumental both in plunging the country into the COVID-19 crisis and aiding its recovery, but its pandemic management has not…
Jokowi needs to change strategy
Jokowi needs to change strategy
This article was first published in The Straits Times.
COVIDcast: Malcolm Turnbull on geopolitics and the pandemic
COVIDcast: Malcolm Turnbull on geopolitics and the pandemic
In this episode of COVIDcast, Hervé Lemahieu, Director of the Power and Diplomacy Program at the Lowy Institute, sat down with the Honourable Malcolm Turnbull, Prime Minister of…
COVIDcast: Malcolm Turnbull on geopolitics and the pandemic
COVIDcast: Malcolm Turnbull on geopolitics and the pandemic
In this episode of COVIDcast, Herve Lemahieu, Director of the Power and Diplomacy Program at the Lowy Institute, sat down with the Honourable Malcolm Turnbull, 29th Prime Minister…
Economic diplomacy: Covid recovery, from Singapore to the EU
Economic diplomacy: Covid recovery, from Singapore to the EU
Labour pains High-end guest workers play such a big role in Singapore’s carefully constructed economy that they even have their own technocratic acronym: foreign PMETs – for…