
Costly cargo: The plight of seafarers in a pandemic
Costly cargo: The plight of seafarers in a pandemic
Amid the many consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, thousands of seafarers around the world are now locked onboard their ships with expired contracts and unable to get home…
The cost of conspiracy in muddling public health messages
The cost of conspiracy in muddling public health messages
A spike in coronavirus cases across Melbourne has seen local hotspot suburbs largely locked down and some 3000 people in public housing towers prevented from leaving home at all…
Popular Tokyo governor eyes a second term, and maybe more
Popular Tokyo governor eyes a second term, and maybe more
On Sunday 5 July, Tokyo goes to the quadrennial polls to elect its governor, the position occupied since 2016 by Yuriko Koike, the city’s first female chief executive. Koike is…
COVIDcast: The future of globalisation
COVIDcast: The future of globalisation
In this episode of COVIDcast, Roland Rajah, Lowy Institute lead economist, sat down with Pascal Lamy to discuss the future of globalisation. Lamy has served at the peak of global…
Southeast Asian democracies in declining health amid Covid-19
Southeast Asian democracies in declining health amid Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic is affecting democracies in the Asia-Pacific region in ways that demand Australian attention. The ability to weather a crisis of this magnitude depends…
Economic diplomacy: Diversification dilemmas
Economic diplomacy: Diversification dilemmas
Costing the D word Diversification might be the word of the moment in the lexicon of Australian trade debate, even though few advocates make much attempt to explain how it will…
Emerging From COVID: Policy Responses To The Pandemic
Emerging From COVID: Policy Responses To The Pandemic
In this new feature, Lowy Institute experts provide policy recommendations for Australia to address issues that are critical to our nation’s — and the world’s —…
China’s pipeline dream in Pakistan
China’s pipeline dream in Pakistan
The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is one of the flagship projects of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). It initially attracted US$46 billion in investment, which was…
COVIDcast: Hugh White on Coronavirus and Asia’s power balance
COVIDcast: Hugh White on Coronavirus and Asia’s power balance
The pandemic has both amplified and accelerated the escalating strategic rivalry between the United States and China … which has become much more intense in the last few months. …
COVIDcast: Hugh White on Coronavirus and Asia’s power balance
COVIDcast: Hugh White on Coronavirus and Asia’s power balance
In this episode of COVIDcast, Sam Roggeveen, Lowy Institute’s Director of the International Security Program, sat down with Professor Hugh White to discuss the connection between…