
China toys with a new propaganda technique: Irony
China toys with a new propaganda technique: Irony
As the world struggles with the Covid-19 crisis, the US and China have been locked in a heated propaganda warfare over the handling of the virus. Hitting back at President Donald…
In Yemen, a deadly concoction of arms sales, conflict and Covid-19
In Yemen, a deadly concoction of arms sales, conflict and Covid-19
In April, the UN Security Council issued a statement endorsing the UN Secretary-General’s call for a ceasefire in Yemen to better enable a response to Covid-19. The Council…
Climate change makes Covid-19 politics look easy
Climate change makes Covid-19 politics look easy
Covid-19 has been an extremely difficult challenge for national policymakers. If policy and politics are about managing competing interests and prioritising different…
COVIDcast: World economy in flux
COVIDcast: World economy in flux
In this episode of COVIDcast, Lowy Institute lead economist Roland Rajah sat down with Adam Tooze to discuss how the Covid-19 economic crisis is evolving and reshaping the world…
COVIDcast: Adam Tooze on a world economy in flux
COVIDcast: Adam Tooze on a world economy in flux
Roland Rajah, Lowy Institute lead economist, sits down with Adam Tooze, Professor of History at Columbia University and the Director of its European Institute, to discuss how the…
Central Asian nations want to kick-start the BRI – and China is happy
Central Asian nations want to kick-start the BRI – and China is happy
For China, the Covid-19 question is answered by more Belt and Road. As Foreign Minister Wang Yi put it at a press conference during the 13th National People’s Congress…
Economic diplomacy: Asian investment, super tension & the WTO hot seat
Economic diplomacy: Asian investment, super tension & the WTO hot seat
ASEAN rising Australian businesses in Southeast Asia are showing continued faith in regional economic integration despite the relatively lacklustre cross border political…
Aiding the Pacific during Covid – a stock-take and further steps
Aiding the Pacific during Covid – a stock-take and further steps
The Covid-19 crisis is now widely seen as the greatest economic calamity since the Great Depression. In the Pacific, as in the rest of the world, economic activity has collapsed…
US break with WHO: Where does it leave the rest of the world?
US break with WHO: Where does it leave the rest of the world?
International health law is closely associated with the work of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the treaties it oversees, of which the 2005 International Health…
Mapping the cost of the pandemic to women in the Indo-Pacific
Mapping the cost of the pandemic to women in the Indo-Pacific
Covid-19 shutdowns have had a major impact on women’s access to security, economic resources and health services..There is an urgent need to assess the impact of the restrictions…