
COVIDcast: Hugh White on Coronavirus and Asia’s power balance
COVIDcast: Hugh White on Coronavirus and Asia’s power balance
In this episode of COVIDcast, Sam Roggeveen, Lowy Institute’s Director of the International Security Program, sat down with Professor Hugh White to discuss the connection between…
Australia’s shifting mood on climate change
Australia’s shifting mood on climate change
At the beginning of 2020, Australia’s national conversation was dominated by the catastrophic bushfires raging throughout the country. The fires killed at least 34 people, burned…
The goals for Australia to do better
The goals for Australia to do better
Although the idea is hard to bear, we now all know that Australia’s 2019–20 bushfire catastrophe and the Covid-19 crisis will not be one-off historical events. Public health…
Debt threatens Digicel’s Pacific dominance
Debt threatens Digicel’s Pacific dominance
When it comes to mobile networks in the Pacific Islands region, Digicel is dominant. More than 2.6 million subscribers mean its SIM cards power more…
COVIDcast: Foreign Minister Joseph Wu on Taiwan’s place in the world
COVIDcast: Foreign Minister Joseph Wu on Taiwan’s place in the world
In this episode of COVIDcast, Natasha Kassam, Research Fellow at the Lowy Institute, sat down with Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Joseph Wu. Wu was appointed Foreign…
Economic diplomacy: Positive globalism and American exceptionalism
Economic diplomacy: Positive globalism and American exceptionalism
Hindsight There was one phrase that would have neatly rounded out the interesting complementary speeches delivered by Australia’s two key international affairs ministers this…
Marise Payne stakes a claim for cooperation
Marise Payne stakes a claim for cooperation
It would be welcome for Marise Payne to give more interviews and public speeches like the one she delivered Tuesday evening about “Australia and the world in the time of…
Cambodia: Caught in the middle
Cambodia: Caught in the middle
Even as it grapples with the economic fallout of Covid-19, Cambodia has a China problem. The perception of Prime Minister Hun Sen as a stooge for Beijing became entrenched long…
The geopolitical consequences of a pandemic
The geopolitical consequences of a pandemic
The global system is in a state of flux. China’s renewed territorial assertions and growing military power continue to pose challenges to regional peace and stability. US-Russia…
Seizing the chance to chart “The India Way”
Seizing the chance to chart “The India Way”
A Chinese proverb holds that “the beginning of wisdom is calling things by the right name”. For those of us in New Delhi, it is refreshing to see India actively pitch its…