Global Economy

Hangzhou G20 summit: Big on spectacle, low on substance
China’s first G20 Summit was, as promised, a big show. But, right down to the unanticipated  delay in releasing a communique for several hours, it will not go down as a…
Floating nuclear plants and safety zones: Another looming problem in the South China Sea?
China’s first floating nuclear power plant is expected to be operational by 2019, and will likely be deployed to the South China Sea to support China’s outposts and oil drilling…
Australia needs better foreign investment rules
Australia needs better foreign investment rules
  Originally published in the Nikkei Report.Stephen Grenville
Digital Diplomacy links: Antarctic tweets, Army podcast, White House bots, India app and more
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and why the unmediated photo is the message. The new Hillary Clinton app has taken a page out of Kim Kardashian's mobile app…
G20: An essential element in Australia's international economic diplomacy (Part 2)
G20: An essential element in Australia's international economic diplomacy (Part 2)
Part 1 of this post examined the basic business case for Australia's involvement with the G20. This post examines the other, less appreciated strength of the forum: how it…
G20 Monitor: Towards Hangzhou and Hamburg
G20 Monitor: Towards Hangzhou and Hamburg
The 21st edition of the G20 Monitor highlights considerations for the G20 ahead of the 4–5 September 2016 G20 Leaders’ Summit in Hangzhou, China. It also canvasses three topics…
Asian central banks should 'keep calm and carry on'
Asian central banks should 'keep calm and carry on'
Originally published in the Nikkei Report. Stephen Grenville
Green power has a long way to go
One factor driving energy policies across the world is repeated claims by activists that green energy is gaining substantial market share over its despised fossil fuel competitors…
The verdict on Australia's economic diplomacy: Must try harder
The Lowy Institute analysis 'Making the Most of the G20', which argues the G20 should be at the centre of Australia's approach to economic engagement, explores many of the…
Digital Asia links: ISIS in Indonesia, South China Sea hacks, WeChat in Africa and more
The Asia Pacific is the most dynamic digital landscape in the world, home to the fastest adopters of new technologies and the largest concentration of mobile and social media…