Global Economy

Capital flows to emerging economies: Still unresolved
Capital flows to emerging economies: Still unresolved
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Asian Financial Crisis. Many factors were involved in that disaster, but grossly excessive foreign capital inflows were the key macro…
Economic diplomacy brief: Summit budgets and mixed messages from Australia’s foreign investment
Economic diplomacy brief: Summit budgets and mixed messages from Australia’s foreign investment
Turnbull's regional legacy? The spending contrasts between the softer and harder aspects of international policy in the 2017 Budget have underlined again how aid is being…
Trumponomics: The art of the trade deal
Trumponomics: The art of the trade deal
President’s Trump’s trade policies are still evolving, but they are turning out to be rather different from his pre-election rhetoric. Concerns about an all-out trade war are…
Belt and Road: State transformation and large technical systems
Belt and Road: State transformation and large technical systems
Since Xi Jinping’s announcement of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013, much ink has been spilt trying to understand this policy platform that is centre stage right now…
Trans-Pacific Partnership without America
Trans-Pacific Partnership without America
When President Trump took America out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership in January, this seemed to be the end of the quest for a ‘platinum standard’ set of rules to govern global…
Lessons from India on migration’s role in trade policy
Lessons from India on migration’s role in trade policy
Prime Minister Turnbull yesterday carefully signalled a potential India-Australia Free Trade Agreement is not a priority for his government. This comes after the Abbott Government…
China's huge industrial ambitions
China's huge industrial ambitions
The RAND Corporation has just published a new report on Chinese investment in the US aviation sector. Given the air of concern in Australia and sometimes the US over Chinese…
Global lessons from South Australia's power dilemma
Global lessons from South Australia's power dilemma
South Australia (SA) has become a global case study for what can go wrong when energy policy fails to keep pace with changes in technology and commodity markets. Following the…
The global economy: Surviving Trump just fine
The global economy: Surviving Trump just fine
Two months into the Trump Administration, is it overturning the ‘liberal world order’, as widely feared? By now we ought to have some idea. My conclusion: no, it isn’t. If there…
Why everyone is talking about universal basic incomes
Why everyone is talking about universal basic incomes
When the Indian Finance Ministry devoted a full chapter of its recent Economic Report to the idea of a universal basic income (UBI), it might seem like revolutionary ‘pie in the…