Global Economy

Economic diplomacy brief: Asian investment, GDP passing lane and Japan trade
Economic diplomacy brief: Asian investment, GDP passing lane and Japan trade
Banking on the neighbours With US President Donald Trump shaking up the way America does business with the world, the relative strength of Australia's commercial links…
Is Trump reigniting the currency wars?
Is Trump reigniting the currency wars?
In 2010 Brazilian Finance Minister Guido Mantega warned that a 'currency war' was underway. Europe, the United States and the United Kingdom were attempting to boost their limp…
 What’s ahead for the global economy?
What’s ahead for the global economy?
January is the month for new resolutions and economic forecasts and, sometimes, a bit of soul-searching over past inaccuracies. The International Monetary Fund, the chief…
Obama's legacy: Bold leadership on climate
Obama's legacy: Bold leadership on climate
Battling climate change was a signature issue of President Barack Obama’s tenure, particularly during the his second term. In contrast, President-elect Donald Trump has called…
Why is it so hard for the IMF to accept criticism?
Why is it so hard for the IMF to accept criticism?
The IMF's Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) was set up in 2001; since then it has produced 26 thoughtful and substantial reports on a wide range of IMF activities. Now the head…
Economic diplomacy brief: Japan relations, Timor gas, Asian business and Indonesia banking
Economic diplomacy brief: Japan relations, Timor gas, Asian business and Indonesia banking
No yen for Japan Australia’s failure to buy Japan’s Soryu submarine will be the real elephant in the room during Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit this weekend. But as Australia…
Does Trump threaten Federal Reserve independence?
Does Trump threaten Federal Reserve independence?
Will the well-established independence that the US Fed currently enjoys come under threat from a Trump administration, with its unconventional economic ideas? The checks and…
Unbundling globalisation
Unbundling globalisation
Brexit and Trump’s victory have caused a reassessment of economists’ rose-tinted vision of globalisation. Richard Baldwin’s The Great Convergence provides another perspective on…
Economic diplomacy brief: Trumpnomics, TPP turnaround, deciphering Duterte and Telstra on Asia
Economic diplomacy brief: Trumpnomics, TPP turnaround, deciphering Duterte and Telstra on Asia
Trump's China deal? The reactions of economists in Australia to Donald Trump’s election have ranged from the benign (see former trade negotiator Alan Oxley here) to the…
Why the TPP should be saved
Why the TPP should be saved
Perhaps there is, as Ross Garnaut has argued, no silver lining to Donald Trump’s economics. But there may be a small silver lining to Trump’s rejection of the Trans Pacific…