Global Economy

China making a mockery of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, and no one seems to care
China is pushing forward with plans to finance and construct  new nuclear power plants in Pakistan, in direct violation of its obligations to the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)…
What can be done about income inequality?
The income-inequality debate is an old one, but it’s getting renewed interest, most recently from President Obama in his State of the Union address, where he advocated raising…
G20 outreach and non-G20 member views on the G20
G20 outreach and non-G20 member views on the G20
This issue of the Monitor addresses the issue of G20 outreach and presents a collection of perspectives from non-G20 member countries on the role and performance of the G20. The…
Despite free-market orthodoxy, not all foreign capital is equal
'Storms gather over emerging economies’. So says the Financial Times editorial. This latest alarm reflects a concern that the tapering of the US Fed's quantitative easing (QE)…
Tony Abbott's G20 vision at Davos: It's a start
On 23 February Prime Minister Abbott delivered a much anticipated speech to World Economic Forum at Davos outlining Australia's vision for the G20. The immediate response on…
The implications of emerging economies' market depth for Australia's G20 presidency
In its current print edition, the Economist has a fascinating chart that deserves much greater attention than the small section devoted to it. It matches the combined value of…
Reader riposte: N enrichment in Australia and beyond
Richard Broinowski writes: In his speculative piece on a regional uranium enrichment plant in Australia, John Carlson gets a few things wrong. First, it is inaccurate to suggest…
Failure to act on IMF reform damages US (and G20) credibility
The insularity of the US Congress should never be underestimated. It has blocked (again) the implementation of IMF governance reforms. This has damaged the credibility of the US,…
A mug's game: Forecasting China's economic future
Forecasting is a mug's game, but we can't resist. Economists usually take a stab at the central growth forecast and then add a shopping-list of things that might go wrong. If you…
A regional uranium enrichment centre in Australia?
It may seem anomalous that Australia, with a third of the world's uranium reserves, does not have a uranium enrichment industry to value-add on uranium exports.  This was…