Global Economy

The Australian economy: How does it compare?
The meeting of the G20 finance ministers and central bank governors in Sydney next weekend provides an excuse to turn the spotlight inwards, towards the domestic economy. The IMF…
Adam Minter on the Junkyard Planet (part 4)
Here's part 1 of my interview with author Adam Minter (on the globalisation of the scrap and recycling industry), part 2 on China's role in this industry, and part 3 on India. In…
Adam Minter on the Junkyard Planet (part 3)
Here's part 1 of my interview with author Adam Minter (on the globalisation of the scrap and recycling industry) and part 2 on China's role in this industry. In part 3 we look at…
Global cooperation among G20 countries: responding to the crisis and restoring growth
Global cooperation among G20 countries: responding to the crisis and restoring growth
At the outbreak of the global financial crisis, 2008, the G20 was widely acknowledged as helping prevent an even more serious decline in the global economy. It helped to calm the…
Adam Minter on the Junkyard Planet (part 2)
In part 1 of my interview with Junkyard Planet author Adam Minter, he talked about the removal of one 'pin' in the global recycling economy during the global financial crisis,…
Interview: Adam Minter on the Junkyard Planet
Journalist Adam Minter has written a fascinating account of the global rubbish and recycling industry. I recommended his book, Junkyard Planet, as one of my top 'development books…
The G20 needs a growth strategy
Policy Briefs
The G20 needs a growth strategy
In this Lowy Institute Policy Brief, Director of the G20 Studies Centre Mike Callaghan AM argues that the G20 needs to develop a comprehensive growth strategy to lift global…
Hockey's speech and global monetary-policy spillover
In his speech at the Lowy Institute last week, Australian Treasurer Joe Hockey made a clear case for international policy coordination: 'in a globalised world every…
Astonishing progress in robotics
A few links illustrating how this is going to change people's lives and change whole economies, not just because robots are getting better but because they are getting cheaper…
Joe Hockey to the G20: 'Do less, focus more, get outcomes'
Treasurer Joe Hockey's speech at the Lowy Institute today picked up on, and in some areas expanded upon, many of the issues raised in Prime Minister Abbott's G20 address in Davos…