Global Issues

Beijing's Olympic challenge
Beijing's Olympic challenge
With the troubled Olympic Torch coming to Canberra next week, the Beijing Olympics and what it means for China will be centre stage in Australia. John Bowan
Hesitating on the brink of partnership
Hesitating on the brink of partnership
In this piece for the East-West Center, Washington, International Security Program Director Rory Medcalf argues that Australia and India are hesitating at the brink of real…
World wide webs: Diasporas and the international system
Lowy Institute Papers
World wide webs: Diasporas and the international system
In this Lowy Institute Paper, Dr Michael Fullilove argues that national diasporas are like ‘world wide webs’, with dense, interlocking strands spanning the globe and binding…
‘The Emerging Global Order’, by Russell Trood
Lowy Institute Papers
‘The Emerging Global Order’, by Russell Trood
To mark the recent passing of Russell Trood, the Lowy Institute is proud to present his 2008 Lowy Institute Paper on Australian foreign policy in the 21st century.Russell…
'The end of the Vasco da Gama era'
Lowy Institute Papers
'The end of the Vasco da Gama era'
The new Australian Government will have to navigate some difficult diplomatic waters in a world where power is shifting away from unipolarity and towards an Asia-centric…
Geeing up the G-20
Policy Briefs
Geeing up the G-20
In this Policy Brief, Malcolm Cook and Mark Thirlwell make the case for a greater role for the G-20 in the international economic architecture.Malcolm Cook , Mark Thirlwell
Looking after Australians overseas
Policy Briefs
Looking after Australians overseas
As the number of Australians travelling and living overseas continues to increase, Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has been forced to devote a growing…
Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
In a new Lowy Institute Analysis, John Bowan looks at the progress of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. On the technical side all looks good. John Bowan
Second thoughts on globalisation
Lowy Institute Papers
Second thoughts on globalisation
Globalisation is one of the key forces shaping the global economy. It is also a policy choice.Mark Thirlwell
Two issues in carbon pricing: timing and competitiveness
Two issues in carbon pricing: timing and competitiveness
This Working Paper in International Economics by David Pearce and Warwick McKibbin explores two issues that have emerged in recent policy discussions on the need for price signals…