Global Issues

Comprehending Copenhagen: a guide to the international climate change negotiations
Comprehending Copenhagen: a guide to the international climate change negotiations
Comprehending Copenhagen by Dr Greg Picker and Fergus Green examines the 2009 climate negotiations in Copenhagen and sets out the key issues they believed would define the…
The Gulf states and Iran: robust competitors or interested bystanders?
The Gulf states and Iran: robust competitors or interested bystanders?
In a new Lowy Institute Perspectives, Rodger Shanahan, non-resident fellow in the West Asia Program, examines relations between the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)…
A G-20 caucus for East Asia
Policy Briefs
A G-20 caucus for East Asia
In September 2009, the Pittsburgh Summit designated the G-20 as the world’s premier forum for international cooperation. The G-20 gives East Asia a significant presence at the top…
Rebuilding Zimbabwe: Australia role in supporting the transition
Policy Briefs
Rebuilding Zimbabwe: Australia role in supporting the transition
Last month marked the first anniversary of the 2008 power-sharing accord that resulted in the creation of a new unity government in Zimbabwe. Joel Negin and Jolyon Ford assess…
Unconventional partners: Australia-India cooperation in reducing nuclear dangers
Policy Briefs
Unconventional partners: Australia-India cooperation in reducing nuclear dangers
In this Policy Brief, International Security Program Director Rory Medcalf and his Indian co-author Amandeep Gill argue that an innovative partnership between Australia and India…
Australia poisoned alumni: international education and the costs to Australia
Policy Briefs
Australia poisoned alumni: international education and the costs to Australia
In this new Lowy Institute Policy Brief, Executive Director Michael Wesley analyses the multi-faceted international student debate. It canvasses the dynamics of the international…
The global financial crisis and international migration: implications for Australia
The global financial crisis and international migration: implications for Australia
Khalid Koser, Director of the New Threats and Human Security Programme at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, examines the impact of the global financial crisis on…
Refining the G-20 agenda
Policy Briefs
Refining the G-20 agenda
The G-20 Leaders will meet in London in April, faced by the most serious economic downturn for seventy years. The London agenda bears two heavy burdens.Stephen Grenville
Putting the genie back in the bottle: ruling regimes and the new media in the Arab world
Putting the genie back in the bottle: ruling regimes and the new media in the Arab world
In a new Lowy Institute Analysis Australian journalist David Hardaker examines the growth and impact of the 'new media' - primarily the internet and satellite television - in the…
Hope or glory? The presidential election, US foreign policy and Australia
Hope or glory? The presidential election, US foreign policy and Australia
What is at stake in a US presidential election in terms of American foreign policy? How might the temperament and world-views of the respective candidates be interpreted? In this…