Global Issues

Australia, Indonesia and climate change
Australia, Indonesia and climate change
In February 2020, Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo made a state visit to Australia and addressed a joint sitting of the Australian parliament. This was a rare privilege granted…
The right climate for central planning
The right climate for central planning
If there really is a marketplace for ideas, it’s fair to say that central planning hasn’t been flying off the shelves of late. It’s not hard to see why. The murderous regimes of…
Coming up for air: global action to stop pollution
Coming up for air: global action to stop pollution
The Indonesian government lost a “citizen lawsuit” last month against 32 Jakarta residents after the court ruled that the defendants, which included President Joko Widodo, had…
The Director’s Chair: Bob Zoellick on the World Bank, China, and the Republican Party
The Director’s Chair: Bob Zoellick on the World Bank, China, and the Republican Party
In this episode of The Director’s Chair, Michael Fullilove speaks with the long-time public official, policymaker, and former President of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick
Would a war over Taiwan be legal?
Would a war over Taiwan be legal?
Australia’s former Prime Minister Tony Abbott has called for “solidarity” with Taiwan in the face of China’s “intimidatory sorties” testing its air defences. As the war drum…
An opening on the ICJ and an opportunity for renewal
An opening on the ICJ and an opportunity for renewal
In the early 20th century, the Peace Palace in The Hague – seat of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) since 1946 – was envisioned as “a sort of holy place”, “prized … by…
Vietnam had seemingly conquered Covid. Then Delta spread
Vietnam had seemingly conquered Covid. Then Delta spread
Ho Chi Minh City and the wider south in Vietnam finished its 24-hour-a-day Covid-19 lockdown of three months last week, allowing people to venture out to buy food rather than wait…
Zooming out of digital diplomacy
Zooming out of digital diplomacy
We’re firmly entrenched in an era of hybrid diplomacy, floating between in-person and videoconference diplomacy. In speaking to those in the game, three facts have come to light:…
Line in the sand: How sea-level rise is challenging international law
Line in the sand: How sea-level rise is challenging international law
The effects of sea-level rise for islands are real and increasing attention is being given to the emerging international legal issues. The World Bank last week released a new…
Australia should donate surplus vaccine to Indonesia
Australia should donate surplus vaccine to Indonesia
In the middle of this pandemic, every vaccine is precious. Australia should give its spare locally-made AstraZeneca vaccines to friends in Indonesia. Indonesia has a vacuum of…