Global Issues

The dynamics of dust
The dynamics of dust
Many effects of a warming climate are well understood – increased temperatures, longer fire seasons, drought, rising sea level and intense storms. But drier conditions are also…
Is Russia finally getting serious on climate change?
Is Russia finally getting serious on climate change?
At last month’s annual Valdai forum in Russia, President Vladimir Putin said it was “impossible” to deny climate change when disasters had become “almost a norm”.  …
Just how serious is Xi about climate change?
Just how serious is Xi about climate change?
As the leaders of world’s largest carbon emitters meet in Glasgow in the coming days, it is still undetermined whether the single most influential individual of the group will…
The legal case for defending Taiwan
The legal case for defending Taiwan
In a recent discussion in The Interpreter of whether it would be legal to come to the defence of Taiwan, Ben Saul concludes that “a betting person might be tempted to back the…
Rules Based Audio (Episode 3): In Conversation with Hilary Charlesworth
Rules Based Audio (Episode 3): In Conversation with Hilary Charlesworth
In this episode of Rules Based Audio, Ben Scott talks to Professor Hilary Charlesworth
Protecting people who lose their homes to climate change
Protecting people who lose their homes to climate change
A long-awaited report released last week in the United States by the Biden administration recommends a new legal pathway for humanitarian protection for people facing serious…
Overcoming community resistance to vaccination in Papua New Guinea
Overcoming community resistance to vaccination in Papua New Guinea
The Delta variant of Covid-19 triggered a steady increase in the uptake of vaccinations across the Pacific. Countries recognised that high vaccination rates are critical for…
Glasgow: a tipping point for serious action
Glasgow: a tipping point for serious action
In a little over a week, the most consequential climate meeting in human history begins in Glasgow, Scotland. The Earth has warmed by up to 1.3°C since 1880. Devastating fires,…
There is life in the Non-Alignment Movement yet
There is life in the Non-Alignment Movement yet
Local observers of international affairs may have missed the Non-Aligned Movement’s 60th anniversary commemorative summit earlier this month. A Cold War relic, NAM,…
Assessing Australia’s role in global vaccine equity
Assessing Australia’s role in global vaccine equity
As global health leaders have repeated ad nauseum during the pandemic, no-one is safe until everyone is safe. Helping vaccinate the world is therefore a matter of national self…