
Choking point: India’s environmental crisis
Choking point: India’s environmental crisis
It is January; a month that, in north India, once fell in the season of winter, but now is more synonymous with the depths of the region’s dreaded pollution season. This month, as…
How the conservative “Anglosphere” fell in love with India
How the conservative “Anglosphere” fell in love with India
Last month, the leader of Australia’s best known anti-immigration party, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation, argued that not all non-white migration was a problem. Indians, Hanson said,…
Competing shades of saffron in Indian politics
Competing shades of saffron in Indian politics
The Indian city Ayodhya recently once again turned into a saffron fortress. The BJP seems set to fight the 2019 elections by rallying its factions and allies to assert the…
How Australia should deepen ties with India
How Australia should deepen ties with India
Ties between India and Australia have always been a little constrained – and unsurprisingly so, as traditionally there has been little to connect the two countries. For its part,…
The India-Pakistan corridor of peace
The India-Pakistan corridor of peace
The recent decision by the government of Pakistan and India to build a corridor from Indian Punjab to Kartarpur in Pakistan has raised hopes for the revival of a dialogue between…
Taking the air in north India
Taking the air in north India
Could there be a silver lining to India’s choking air pollution? A recent report from the World Health Organisation showed India with 9 of the 10 worst cities in the world for…
The growing attention on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
The growing attention on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
You don’t hear much about India’s Andaman and Nicobar Islands aside from tourism or tribes. The islands, which make up one of India’s seven union territories, are a remote…
Food grains rot in India while millions live with empty stomachs
Food grains rot in India while millions live with empty stomachs
India has enjoyed a bumper crop, with record high agricultural production in 2017–2018. India is the world’s largest producer of millets and the second largest producer of rice…
Modi and Abe: judgement waits on India-Japan ties
Modi and Abe: judgement waits on India-Japan ties
India and Japan have forged a special strategic and global partnership over the years, and Prime Ministers Narendra Modi and Shinzo Abe have developed a personal and special…
Facebook deploys a “War Room” ahead of India’s elections
Facebook deploys a “War Room” ahead of India’s elections
Facebook, having learned the devastating consequences of its platform being misused to manipulate democratic process is taking no chances ahead of next year’s national elections…