
The chosen one: Djarot’s surprise bid to govern North Sumatra
The chosen one: Djarot’s surprise bid to govern North Sumatra
In January, Indonesia’s Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP), or the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, made an announcement. Djarot Saiful Hidayat, the former…
Indonesia–US relations: sweating the small stuff
Indonesia–US relations: sweating the small stuff
The US and Indonesia have declared an overarching “strategic partnership” to meet broader challenges, from regional architecture building to global governance. At least, this was…
Will Jakarta no longer be Indonesia’s capital?
Will Jakarta no longer be Indonesia’s capital?
'There’s no wind, no rain, but Minister for National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) Bambang Brodjonegoro on Monday announced that the government plans to move the capital…
Revisiting the 1972 seabed boundary negotiations with Indonesia
Revisiting the 1972 seabed boundary negotiations with Indonesia
Making a judgement in the present about events in the past is fraught with difficulties. It is natural and often right to view past events with the moral and legal perspectives of…
Indonesia elections: Three factors that will shape the political trajectory of 2018
Indonesia elections: Three factors that will shape the political trajectory of 2018
For Joko (Jokowi) Widodo, the first Indonesian President elected from outside Jakarta's elite, the combination of disruptive global forces and the intrinsic features of…
Political Islam, intolerance, and the IS threat in Indonesia
Political Islam, intolerance, and the IS threat in Indonesia
According to the pollster Alvara, one in five Indonesian students favour the establishment of an Islamic Caliphate; one in three don't approve of non-Muslims leading Muslims…
The ill-advised rush for Australia to strike a trade deal with Indonesia
The ill-advised rush for Australia to strike a trade deal with Indonesia
Negotiations for the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) entered extra time this week, as negotiators agreed to add an 11th round (the 7th…
Putting Indonesian Papua’s tensions in context
Putting Indonesian Papua’s tensions in context
Since August, numerous civilians and security staff have been killed or wounded in the Tembagapura area in Indonesian Papua, host of Freeport McMoRan's vast Grasberg mining…
The first global supply chain
The first global supply chain
The city of Ternate in eastern Indonesia seems forgotten by time. Its quiet bustle is confined to the coastal fringes of Mount Gamalama, with its imperious presence. The most…
Indonesia's electricity play imperils national economic goals
Indonesia's electricity play imperils national economic goals
'The generation plan could unnerve investors and leave private operators on hook for state equity.' Originally published in the Nikkei Asian Review.Matthew Busch