
Trump to take on Iran at UN Security Council table
Trump to take on Iran at UN Security Council table
As it happens, the United States holds the presidency of the United Nations Security Council during the annual diplomatic gabfest at the UN General Assembly. Traditionally, that…
Bomb, bomb Iran
Bomb, bomb Iran
In this rather strange ABC News article that appeared on Friday, it is reported that “senior figures in the Turnbull government” claim that Washington could bomb targets…
The US shadow over India’s Iran policy
The US shadow over India’s Iran policy
At a recent event in New Delhi, Nikki Haley, US Ambassador to the United Nations, called Iran “the next North Korea” and urged India to rethink its relationship with the Islamic…
Method in Trump’s madness on Iran
Method in Trump’s madness on Iran
There has been widespread condemnation of US President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, including from Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, who…
Can Europe salvage the Iran deal?
Can Europe salvage the Iran deal?
Trump finally did it: in perhaps one of the most ridiculous moves of his presidency (although competition on that front is fierce), he announced that his administration would…
Trump’s Iran decision: one reckless act must not be followed by others
Trump’s Iran decision: one reckless act must not be followed by others
US President Donald Trump’s decision to walk away from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal – the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) – comes as no surprise, since he’s been…
I (nearly) ran Iran
I (nearly) ran Iran
Between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu beaming six-foot-tall PowerPoint slides declaring “IRAN LIED” into people’s homes via television, and President Donald…
As threats to Trump mount, allies must uphold the Iran deal
As threats to Trump mount, allies must uphold the Iran deal
It’s not every day that a former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, America’s premier law-enforcement body, calls the sitting president of the US “morally unfit…
Rouhani, Erdogan, and Putin’s bizarre love triangle
Rouhani, Erdogan, and Putin’s bizarre love triangle
It appears a new regional security order is encircling Syria as the civil war grinds into its seventh year. This shift was visible last week, when the leaders of Turkey, Iran, and…
Carrots and sticks in the Iran nuclear deal
Carrots and sticks in the Iran nuclear deal
In January, US President Donald Trump’s frustration with the Iran nuclear deal got the better of him as he set a 12 May deadline for its renegotiation. But meeting this goal is…