North Korea

Despite the Olympics, Trump is moving the Western debate on North Korea to the right
Despite the Olympics, Trump is moving the Western debate on North Korea to the right
It is a weird time on the Korean Peninsula. Last year saw an extraordinary ramp-up in tensions. US President Donald Trump used incendiary rhetoric for months. His national…
Asia’s escalating missile race
Asia’s escalating missile race
If the Cold War was one long arms race, the modern era could be accurately described as an arms jog. Countries are defined less by how many nuclear warheads they have,…
Joining the dots to Vancouver
Joining the dots to Vancouver
Represented by Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Frances Adamson, Australia was one of 20 countries that participated in a conference last week on…
The ‘Olympic truce’ poses a test for the US–South Korean alliance
The ‘Olympic truce’ poses a test for the US–South Korean alliance
The resumption of dialogue between North and South Korea after a two-year hiatus marks a step back from nuclear brinkmanship and a diplomatic victory for South Korea’s Moon Jae-in…
China’s agenda behind inter-Korean talks
China’s agenda behind inter-Korean talks
The first two weeks of 2018 have seen a significant thaw in inter-Korean tensions. In the highest-level talks between North and South Korea since December 2015, Pyongyang agreed…
Don’t assume North Korea is happy with the status quo
Don’t assume North Korea is happy with the status quo
In an earlier Interpreter article I argued the need for policy makers in the US and elsewhere to consider not only the now well-rehearsed and well-founded risks of attempting to…
North Korea probably does not seriously seek unification
North Korea probably does not seriously seek unification
After North Korea burnished its credentials last year as a nuclear-armed state, there's been much discussion about what Pyongyang aims to do with its nuclear missiles. The panic…
An emerging role for the UN in the North Korean crisis
An emerging role for the UN in the North Korean crisis
Last month, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman visited North Korean officials to promote a political solution to heightened tensions over…
China and North Korea: Following the paper trail
China and North Korea: Following the paper trail
Bill Gertz, senior editor of The Washington Free Beacon, specialises in scoops. But even by his high standards, his 2 January story that states a ‘(s)ecret Chinese Communist Party…
Clear messages required in Twitter-age of diplomacy
Clear messages required in Twitter-age of diplomacy
Robert Ayson is quite right to pick me up on the distinction between pre-emptive and preventative military strikes. My post on Australia’s policy towards a US attack on North…