North Korea

What should Australia rule out on North Korea?
What should Australia rule out on North Korea?
In place of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's ambiguous commitment to support US military action against North Korea, Hugh White wants a clear statement ruling out Australia's…
How Australia can help avoid a disastrous Korean war
How Australia can help avoid a disastrous Korean war
Pyongyang’s latest long-range missile test raises the probability that Washington will decide to launch a pre-emptive military campaign against North Korea, simply…
The Korean Peninsula’s year in review
The Korean Peninsula’s year in review
This has been a rollercoaster year for the Korean Peninsula. The South Koreans impeached their president. The North Koreans tested dozens of rockets, including…
Echoes of Saddam at Kim Jong Nam assassination trial
Echoes of Saddam at Kim Jong Nam assassination trial
The trial of the two young women accused of murdering North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un’s half-brother Kim Jong Nam in Malaysia is now in its first month. Already it has…
Cyber crime: North Korea’s billion-dollar soft spot
Cyber crime: North Korea’s billion-dollar soft spot
Cyber-crime is now a billion-dollar industry for North Korea. Cracking down on this criminal enterprise presents a strategic opportunity to apply further pressure on the Kim Jong…
The implications of a North Korean open-air nuclear test
The implications of a North Korean open-air nuclear test
As Donald Trump’s threats against North Korea have accelerated this year, the North has responded with its characteristically over-the-top rhetoric. Recently, it threatened to…
North Korea’s space program aims higher
North Korea’s space program aims higher
Earlier this week, North Korea reaffirmed that its space program is ongoing and getting more ambitious. There have been six North Korean satellite launch attempts since 1998. Only…
North Korea: How to start a nuclear war without even trying
North Korea: How to start a nuclear war without even trying
If effective strategy requires realistic aims, then America is in trouble. US officials have shown themselves to be pathologically overconfident in their ability to achieve…
Reading between the lines of North Korea’s letter
Reading between the lines of North Korea’s letter
The Foreign Affairs Committee of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly has been busy sending open letters to various foreign parliaments. Our letter seems specifically tailored, as…
War on the Korean Peninsula: Targeting a better peace
War on the Korean Peninsula: Targeting a better peace
The rhetoric emanating from Washington and Pyongyang may soon reach the point at which a peaceful resolution is no longer be possible. A year ago the chance of war on the Korean…