North Korea

Danger ahead for Australia as Asia’s long peace ends
Danger ahead for Australia as Asia’s long peace ends
The real prospect of conflict between North Korea and the US and its allies underscores the recent deterioration in Australia’s security environment. Originally published in The…
What is gained by shooting missiles across Japan?
What is gained by shooting missiles across Japan?
On Tuesday morning, North Korean launched a missile over the southern tip of Hokkaido in northern Japan. Given the close interdependence of North Korea’s satellite launch program…
North Korea shipments raise questions about Syria's chemical weapons
North Korea shipments raise questions about Syria's chemical weapons
On 22 August, Reuters reported that two North Korean shipments of unspecified goods on their way to Syria had recently been intercepted. Citing a confidential UN sanctions…
The unacceptable dangers of accepting a nuclear North Korea
The unacceptable dangers of accepting a nuclear North Korea
The crisis on the Korean Peninsula has for the first time introduced an element of confusion over the strategic goal pursued by the US and its allies in dealing with North Korea. …
Big job ahead for China’s new envoy to North Korea
Big job ahead for China’s new envoy to North Korea
Competition for the world’s most thankless jobs is hotting up. Donald Trump’s chief of staff, the Premier of China, the official standing next to the UK’s Panglossian Secretary of…
Australia and Korea’s wars: A debate worth revisiting
Australia and Korea’s wars: A debate worth revisiting
Tensions have temporarily abated on the Korean Peninsula, following the latest blustery exchanges between Washington and Pyongyang. In typically mercurial fashion, after…
Australia and Korea’s wars
Australia and Korea’s wars
In light of recent discussion about Australia's responsibilities under the Korean Armistice Agreement, we are republishing this post that first appeared on 29 November, 2010. In…
New sanctions spark a China-North Korea diplomatic row
New sanctions spark a China-North Korea diplomatic row
The UN Security Council sanctions resolution (UNSCR 2371) on North Korea, passed last week, is the toughest yet. It fully bans the export from North Korea of iron, lead, coal and…
Fire and fury, signifying nothing?
Fire and fury, signifying nothing?
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review. Euan Graham
North Korea has goals other than nukes
North Korea has goals other than nukes
As you will no doubt have seen by now, President Trump has issued a threat to North Korea: North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with…