North Korea

North Korea missile test: It’s all in the timing
North Korea missile test: It’s all in the timing
The second test of a North Korean intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) has elevated concerns over the potential for this nation to launch nuclear strikes on the continental…
New Zealand and fighting the nuclear threat: More effort required
New Zealand and fighting the nuclear threat: More effort required
The recent news that two-thirds of United Nations member states negotiated a treaty that bans nuclear weapons was undoubtedly met with enthusiasm in much of New Zealand, which…
Entering the North Korean re-entry debate
Entering the North Korean re-entry debate
South Korean intelligence claims that the recent test of a North Korean ICBM possibly failed to produce a successful warhead re-entry. The statement from Yi Wan-young (a member…
How to complicate North Korea’s nuclear weapons plans
How to complicate North Korea’s nuclear weapons plans
North Korea has the strategic initiative. Its plan to build a nuclear armed, long-range missile force is nearing completion. Other countries can do little – with China's ongoing…
Learning to live with a North Korean ICBM
Learning to live with a North Korean ICBM
Last week’s test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) by North Korea raises the time-honored question of East Asian international relations: what to do with a…
North Korea: Jake Sullivan on America's policy dilemma
North Korea: Jake Sullivan on America's policy dilemma
As world leaders gather in Hamburg for the G20 Summit, North Korea will be high on the agenda following Pyongyang’s successful launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile …
North Korea’s ICBM weakens Washington’s hand in Asia
North Korea’s ICBM weakens Washington’s hand in Asia
So North Korea has tested an intercontinental ballistic missile. That is definitely alarming, though a few caveats: the missile is almost certainly not operational with the North…
What Otto Warmbier's Death Means for Policymakers
What Otto Warmbier's Death Means for Policymakers
Originally published in the Diplomat. Frances Kitt
The tragedy of Otto Warmbier
The tragedy of Otto Warmbier
Earlier this month, an American tourist to North Korea, Otto Warmbier, died of injuries suffered in detention in that country. The cause of his death is not yet clear. But it…
In China, changing online attitudes towards Korea
In China, changing online attitudes towards Korea
Additional research by Zixin Wang, an intern in the Lowy Institute's East Asia Program. Shen Zhihua, a world-renowned Chinese scholar of the Cold War, recently proposed that …