
Can Russia afford to be a great power?
Can Russia afford to be a great power?
While Russia wants to be recognised as a great power, and has sufficient economic power and potential to encourage it to behave accordingly, there are economic limits to its…
'Dizzy with Success': What Putin thinks of the Trump ascendancy
'Dizzy with Success': What Putin thinks of the Trump ascendancy
Russian President Vladimir Putin has had a brilliantly successful 12 months, notching up an impressive series of wins. In the Middle East there has been war and treasure. Putin's…
Trump and the Russians: Why the  ‘leak of the leak’ is so damaging
Trump and the Russians: Why the ‘leak of the leak’ is so damaging
As more details emerge about Donald Trump’s meeting with a Russian delegation last week, it appears that the worst fears of Israel’s intelligence agencies have been realised…
'A Wary Embrace': Response to Stephen Blank
'A Wary Embrace': Response to Stephen Blank
Stephen Blank's very generous comments on A Wary Embrace arrived too late to cover in my response to the original contributions in The Interpreter debate. But he brings up a…
Despite encroachments, China is still Russia’s preferred partner
Despite encroachments, China is still Russia’s preferred partner
This post is part of a debate on Bobo Lo's Lowy Institute Paper A Wary Embrace. Other debate posts can be found here. Bobo Lo's new Lowy Institute Paper on Russo-Chinese…
‘A Wary Embrace’: The author responds
‘A Wary Embrace’: The author responds
This post is part of a debate on Bobo Lo's Lowy Institute Paper, 'A Wary Embrace'. Other debate posts can be found here. In their excellent responses to my Lowy Institute Paper,…
How China and Russia avoided the Thucydides trap
How China and Russia avoided the Thucydides trap
This post is part of a debate on Bobo Lo's Lowy Institute Paper A Wary Embrace. Other debate posts can be found here. With every energy or arms trade deal and joint veto in the…
China and Russia: Friends with strategic benefits
China and Russia: Friends with strategic benefits
This post is part of a debate on Bobo Lo's Lowy Institute Paper A Wary Embrace. Other debate posts can be found here. Is the relationship between China and Russia just an axis of…
Quick comment: Bobo Lo on China-Russia relations
Quick comment: Bobo Lo on China-Russia relations
This week the Lowy Institute launched its latest Penguin Special, A Wary Embrace, on the future of China-Russia relations. The author, Dr Bobo Lo, is in Sydney for the launch, and…
Russia and China: A long way from a fully-fledged partnership
Russia and China: A long way from a fully-fledged partnership
This post is part of a debate on Bobo Lo's Lowy Institute Paper A Wary Embrace. Other debate posts can be found here. Bobo Lo belongs to the very small number of analysts who can…