South China Sea

Why Australia must send its navy to assert the freedom to operate in the South China Sea
After much internal debate and soul searching, the US has conducted its first 'Freedom of Navigation' operation in the South China Sea for several years. It will not be the last…
US launches FoNOPS in the South China Sea: Better late than never?
So, the much-heralded US freedom of navigation (FoN) operation in the South China Sea has finally seen daylight. The designated lead, the USS Lassen, is a guided missile…
South China Sea dispute: US challenge may fall into China trap
South China Sea dispute: US challenge may fall into China trap
South China Sea dispute: US challenge may fall into China trapEuan GrahamThe Australian Financial Review19 October 2015Euan Graham
Nuclear-armed submarines in Indo-Pacific Asia: Stabiliser or menace?
Nuclear-armed submarines in Indo-Pacific Asia: Stabiliser or menace?
In this Report, Lowy Institute Research Associate Brendan Thomas-Noone and Nonresident Fellow Professor Rory Medcalf examine the implications of sea-based nuclear weapons for…
Cambodia's coming 'colour revolution'?: Border dispute with Vietnam tests stability
Cambodia-Vietnam relations have long been turbulent. Occupation, conflict and political meddling have been hallmarks of the relationship, and disagreement about the border has…
The perception gap: reading China's maritime objectives in Indo-Pacific Asia
The perception gap: reading China's maritime objectives in Indo-Pacific Asia
In this Lowy Institute Report Nonresident Fellows Linda Jakobson and Rory Medcalf identify both the real differences in interests between China and other powers in the Indo…
Chinese push in the South China Sea must be resisted but defusing tension should be the aim
Chinese push in the South China Sea must be resisted but defusing tension should be the aim
Chinese push in the South China Sea must be resisted but defusing tension should be the aimAlan DupontThe Australian13 June 2015 Alan Dupont
Find a middle ground to stand against China
Find a middle ground to stand against China
Find a middle ground to stand against ChinaEuan GrahamAustralian Financial Review9 June 2015Click here for the online text.Euan Graham
High stakes for Australia in limiting China's South China Sea incursions
High stakes for Australia in limiting China's South China Sea incursions
High stakes for Australia in limiting China's South China Sea incursionsBonnie GlaserThe Age22 May 2015Click here for the online text.Bonnie S. Glaser
China’s unpredictable maritime security actors
China’s unpredictable maritime security actors
In this Report, Lowy Institute Nonresident Fellow Linda Jakobson argues that despite Chinese president Xi Jinping’s image as a strongman, China’s approach to maritime security…