South China Sea

The Fix: Explaining Indonesia’s silence in the North Natuna Sea
The Fix: Explaining Indonesia’s silence in the North Natuna Sea
We’re asking contributors to put together their own short collected observations like this one – and as always, if you’ve got an idea to pitch for The Interpreter, drop a line…
It might be plastic fantastic, but Barbie lends cartoonish credibility to China’s nine-dash line
It might be plastic fantastic, but Barbie lends cartoonish credibility to China’s nine-dash line
To think that even before Hollywood actors and writers went out on strike, the year had already produced one of the biggest film controversies ­– Barbie stumbling across China’s …
Despite the excitement, India’s South China Sea policy remains unchanged
Despite the excitement, India’s South China Sea policy remains unchanged
An India-Philippines joint statement last month has caused a stir. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, India’s Foreign Minister, and his Filipino counterpart, Enrique Manalo, issued a…
Acting East on the seas: India’s naval cooperation with ASEAN
Acting East on the seas: India’s naval cooperation with ASEAN
In recent years, New Delhi has increasingly focused on expanding its strategic footprint in Southeast Asia. While key states have expressed impatience with India’s slow steps…
Indonesia’s dilemma as China pushes a “Global Security Initiative”
Indonesia’s dilemma as China pushes a “Global Security Initiative”
China’s vision for a “Global Security Initiative” was first set out by President Xi Jinping at the Boao Forum in April last year. While promising ambitious change, especially for…
Climate change, ironically, reduces the heat in the South China Sea
Climate change, ironically, reduces the heat in the South China Sea
Australia’s decision to go ahead with the purchase of nuclear-powered submarines from the United States and United Kingdom reflects a judgement that China, and more particularly…
Global energy scarcity and the South China Sea
Global energy scarcity and the South China Sea
Last month, the Indonesian government approved natural gas exploration in the Tuna gas bloc, part of the largest untapped natural gas deposit in the world. The development of the…
Answering China’s South China Sea flying safety challenge
Answering China’s South China Sea flying safety challenge
China continues to double down on its dangerous intercept of an Australian maritime surveillance aircraft flying in international air space in the South China Sea. China’s…
A flare up in China’s deliberate pattern of aggression
A flare up in China’s deliberate pattern of aggression
It’s time to be alarmed not just alert. On Sunday, Australian Defence Minister Richard Marles revealed a “very dangerous” intercept by a People’s Liberation Army Air Force’s …
Taming troubled waters
Taming troubled waters
While regional countries respond to Covid-19 and the many social and economic consequences, ensuring peace and stability in the South China Sea has become even more important due…