United States

Why Trump shouldn't weaken US sanctions on Russia (part 1)
Why Trump shouldn't weaken US sanctions on Russia (part 1)
Donald Trump’s election has caused consternation among almost every mainstream group of policymakers in Washington. Chief among them are those who advocate for a strong US posture…
Trump’s foreign policy: America First, not America Only
Trump’s foreign policy: America First, not America Only
My last piece responded to Kaplan and Walt to explain why Trump is a Nixon-Kissinger realist. This post, part one of two-part series, explores what Trump will seek to achieve in…
Trump and the Iran nuclear deal
Trump and the Iran nuclear deal
The election of Donald Trump raises many uncertainties about the future direction of US foreign policy, including nuclear weapons and nuclear non-proliferation. A major…
Trump looks the part in final days of campaign
Trump looks the part in final days of campaign
The really scary thing about the Donald Trump rally in Cabarrus County in North Carolina last Thursday afternoon is that he looked almost presidential. With election day looming,…
Don't count on the Russians backing down this time
Don't count on the Russians backing down this time
Happily, Russia and the US seem to have pulled back from some of the bitterness, outrage and disappointment that set the tone between them 10 days ago.  But the stakes in…
Poker, chess and Go: How the US should respond in the South China Sea
The Permanent Court of Arbitration's decision places more pressure on the US than China, as Washington must now act to support this emphatic judgement. Failure to do so will…
US Navy carries out third FONOP in South China Sea
The US Navy has carried out another freedom of navigation operation in the South China Sea. According to defence sources, it was conducted, on the morning of 10 May, by the…
Looking for leadership in the Arab Middle East
Looking for leadership in the Arab Middle East
In this Lowy Institute Analysis, Research Fellow Associate Professor Rodger Shanahan examines how Arab Gulf States, led by Saudi Arabia, are responding to the Obama administration…
South China Sea dispute: US challenge may fall into China trap
South China Sea dispute: US challenge may fall into China trap
South China Sea dispute: US challenge may fall into China trapEuan GrahamThe Australian Financial Review19 October 2015Euan Graham
Congress and Asia-Pacific policy: Dysfunction and neglect
Congress and Asia-Pacific policy: Dysfunction and neglect
In this Analysis, Lowy Institute Research Fellow Aaron L. Connelly examines the role of the US Congress in policy toward the Asia-Pacific region.Aaron L Connelly