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Taiwan Flashpoint: What Australia Can Do to Stop the Coming Taiwan Crisis
Policy Briefs
Taiwan Flashpoint: What Australia Can Do to Stop the Coming Taiwan Crisis
Australian diplomacy could ease rising tensions across the Taiwan Strait, if Australian policymakers rediscovered an appetite for involvement in the flashpoint.
How China is changing the global balance of economic power
How China is changing the global balance of economic power
China has displaced the United States from its traditional dominance as a major trading partner for most countries of the world.
Typology of Terror Interactive
Typology of Terror Interactive
This project documents the characteristics of Australians’ contribution to global jihad in the Islamic State era. The dataset represents the largest open-source examination of…
Politics comes first in China's agony
Politics comes first in China's agony
In an opinion piece originally published in the Financial Review, Natasha Kassam argues that China's biggest concern in dealing with the new coronavirus is maintaining stability…
The New Wave of Middle-East Media Repression
The New Wave of Middle-East Media Repression
In an opinion piece published in Project Syndicate, Lydia Khalil describes how the governments of Egypt and Saudi Arabia have suppressed unfavorable information to hold on to…
How I Lost My Faith in America
How I Lost My Faith in America
The world still wants to believe in the US. But it needs some help. Originally published in The Atlantic. Michael Fullilove
How the coronavirus crisis has brewed a ‘revolt of the professionals’ in China
How the coronavirus crisis has brewed a ‘revolt of the professionals’ in China
Doctors, scientists, lawyers and journalists are pushing back against Communist Party structures in a rare backlash against suppression of information. If Beijing can learn to…
How Beijing's silence helped spread the virus
How Beijing's silence helped spread the virus
Beijing's blaming of local officials and signs on a clampdown on information about the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak has tragic echoes of the mishandling of the SARs virus more than…
Soft power goes up in smoke
Soft power goes up in smoke
A unique connection to nature is at the heart of our international appeal. Foot-dragging on climate is squandering it. Originally published in the Australian Financial…