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The 2017 Lowy Lecture: Then-UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson
The 2017 Lowy Lecture: Then-UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson
On 27 July the UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, the Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP, delivered the 2017 Lowy Lecture at Sydney Town Hall.
2020 Will Be a Watershed Year for the Global Economy
2020 Will Be a Watershed Year for the Global Economy
Originally published in the Council of Councils' Global Outlook 2020: The Economy.Roland Rajah
Exporting Digital Authoritarianism, with Alina Polyakova
Exporting Digital Authoritarianism, with Alina Polyakova
Episode 16 of Rules Based Audio explores the use of digital technology by authoritarian regimes to monitor, manipulate and control both domestic and foreign populations.
Why the day of the party is done
Why the day of the party is done
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review.Sam Roggeveen
International Public Broadcasting: A Missed Opportunity For Projecting Australia’s Soft Power
International Public Broadcasting: A Missed Opportunity For Projecting Australia’s Soft Power
Australia’s depleted international broadcasting is impairing the projection of Australia’s soft power at a time when government is seeking to increase its regional influence,…
Australia's PNG step-up in a tumultuous year
Australia's PNG step-up in a tumultuous year
Originally published in The Australian Financial Review. Shane McLeod , Jonathan Pryke
Renting influence: China in the Pacific, with Jonathan Pryke and Dan McGarry
Renting influence: China in the Pacific, with Jonathan Pryke and Dan McGarry
Episode 15 of Rules Based Audio takes a look at China's interests, influence and intentions in the Pacific. Reports of a planned Chinese naval base in Vanuatu in 2018 helped…
Japan can teach Australia how to carefully handle China
Japan can teach Australia how to carefully handle China
Scott Morrison needs to study Shinzo Abe's resolve. Originally published in Nikkei Asian Review. Richard McGregor
China has lost Taiwan, and it knows it
China has lost Taiwan, and it knows it
So it is attacking democracy on the island from within. Orignally published in the New York Times. Natasha Kassam