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Are our politicians a security risk?
Are our politicians a security risk?
Should spooks vet the reliability of parliamentarians? It is not clear that doing so would benefit our democracy. Originally published in the Australian Financial Review. Daniel…
An address on China by Tony Abbott
An address on China by Tony Abbott
On 28 November, former Prime Minister Tony Abbott gave an address on China at the Lowy Institute.
Pacific islands avoid China's 'debt-trap' diplomacy for now
Pacific islands avoid China's 'debt-trap' diplomacy for now
Beijing's interest in the region sparks fears it is making unsustainable loans. Originally published in Nikkei Asian Review. Alexandre Dayant
The new geography of global diplomacy
The new geography of global diplomacy
China advances as the US retreats.  Originally published in Foreign Affairs. Bonnie Bley
2019 Global Diplomacy Index
2019 Global Diplomacy Index
Visualising the diplomatic networks of 61 G20, OECD and Asian countries and territories. Bonnie Bley
The 2019 Lowy Institute Global Diplomacy Index
The 2019 Lowy Institute Global Diplomacy Index
Visualising the diplomatic networks of 61 G20, OECD and Asian countries and territories. Bonnie Bley
Australia’s Brexit?
Australia’s Brexit?
Loss of confidence in political parties could translate into disengagement from our region. Originally published in Inside Story.Sam Roggeveen
Touted as ‘next Hong Kong’ Taiwan lives on the edge
Touted as ‘next Hong Kong’ Taiwan lives on the edge
Originally published in The Australian. Natasha Kassam , Richard McGregor
When is mental illness an excuse for terrorism?
When is mental illness an excuse for terrorism?
Originally published in The Australian.Rodger Shanahan