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Globalisation's Next Wave: The Jobs Apocalypse
Globalisation's Next Wave: The Jobs Apocalypse
Episode 14: The mass commercialisation of artificial intelligence, machine learning technologies and automation, combined with outsourcing to lower income countries is about to…
Beijing's tactics are driving spiral of violence in Hong Kong
Beijing's tactics are driving spiral of violence in Hong Kong
If China is trying to drive wedges between the protest movement and mainstream citizens, it seems to be failing. Originally published in the Australian Financial Review. Ben…
Typology of Terror — The Backgrounds of Australian Jihadis
Typology of Terror — The Backgrounds of Australian Jihadis
In order to better understand what motivates Australian radical islamists to join or support a terrorist group it is first necessary to get a better understanding of who they are…
Our Very Own Brexit
Lowy Institute Papers
Our Very Own Brexit
Australia’s Hollow Politics and Where It Could Lead Us
October in Syria: The US withdrawal and the death of al-Baghdadi, with Rodger Shanahan
October in Syria: The US withdrawal and the death of al-Baghdadi, with Rodger Shanahan
Episode 13: Dr Rodger Shanahan unpacks the implications of the US withdrawal from Syria and the death of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in October 2019 in Syria. Are…
Foreign and Security Policy in the new Malaysia
Foreign and Security Policy in the new Malaysia
Malaysia’s foreign and security policy faces myriad challenges, but not much is likely to change under Mahathir Mohamad’s ‘New Malaysia’ framework.
Is Australia's Asian dream fading?
Is Australia's Asian dream fading?
In our rush to step up in the Pacific, we must not make the mistake of stepping down in south-east Asia. Originally published in the Australian Financial Review. Hervé Lemahieu
Debt-trap diplomacy not happening yet, but cause for concern
Debt-trap diplomacy not happening yet, but cause for concern
Originally published in The Australian.Roland Rajah
Agent of Instability: Trump’s America, with Ambassador Nicholas Burns
Agent of Instability: Trump’s America, with Ambassador Nicholas Burns
Episode 12: Former US Ambassador to NATO Nicholas Burns talks about the instability of US foreign policy under Trump and how to recover from it, the significance of US alliances…