Uncategorised and other

Syria: Russia offers Obama a way out
Bob Bowker is a former Australian ambassador to Jordan, Egypt and Syria. He is now an Adjunct Professor at the ANU Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies. Russia has offered…
Thinking big about democracy
ABC Radio National is creating some nice videos to accompany their interviews, and here's a recent one with Francis Fukuyama and John Keane from the University of Sydney, talking…
Judicious ambition: international policy priorities for the new Australian Government
Judicious ambition: international policy priorities for the new Australian Government
In this new Lowy Institute Analysis, a number of Lowy Institute experts outline what they believe should be some key international priorities for the new Australian Government…
Development links: Pacific forum, G20 summit, World Bank, China and more
Before Australia heads to the polls on Saturday, Melissa Park, Minister for International Development, writes on 'Why Labor is the best choice for foreign aid'. The Maldives is…
Documentary teaser: Unknown Known
Via Fallows, here's a sneak peek at Errol Morris' (The Fog of War) new documentary about the Iraq war, Unknown Known: The Life and Times of Donald Rumsfeld. There's no release…
In conversation: John Garnaut
Tomorrow at 31 Bligh St, former Fairfax China correspondent John Garnaut will speak with East Asia Program Director Linda Jakobson to discuss the future of the Communist Party in…
Tuesday links: Syria, oil, poverty, India, Anglosphere, Germany and more
'Poverty's effects on the mind lead to bad choices. Living with too little imposes huge psychic costs, reducing our mental bandwidth and distorting our decisionmaking'. The…
Pacific forum fights for relevance
[vimeo:71495427] The 2013 Pacific Islands Forum starts today and the host, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, wants climate change to be the major focus, naming the theme of…
Pacific Islands Forum at a crossroads
Associate Professor Sandra Tarte is in the School of Government, Development and International Affairs at the University of the South Pacific. Climate change and Fiji's election…
Syria: Ready, aim...wait a minute
To say that Saturday's White House decision to delay a military strike on Syrian targets in order to seek Congressional approval was unexpected would be an understatement. But…