
China sours on Australia’s wine
China sours on Australia’s wine
On Monday this week, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced it has commenced an investigation into whether Australia has been subsidising winemakers. This follows a parallel…
Australia has lost its “best friend” in Asia
Australia has lost its “best friend” in Asia
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s resignation announcement on Friday caught almost everyone by surprise. Notably Scott Morrison tweeted that he would miss Abe as a friend and a…
Indo-Pacific strategy: Before justifying the means, identify the ends
Indo-Pacific strategy: Before justifying the means, identify the ends
“Strategy”, a term often used loosely in reference to long-term planning, has many published meanings. A military planner, though, sees a clear definition: a strategy is a stated…
Australia needs the workers, the Pacific needs the jobs
Australia needs the workers, the Pacific needs the jobs
Finding a consistent stream of agricultural labour in Australia has long proved a challenge. With Australians often unwilling to accept this type of work in the numbers required…
Where next for MIKTA?
Where next for MIKTA?
After seven years, the informal middle power partnership bringing together Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey and Australia (MIKTA), has achieved less than optimists…
A post-pandemic trade revival
A post-pandemic trade revival
Albert Einstein once said that “in the midst of every crisis lies great opportunity”. For an open trading nation like Australia, the pandemic is an unparalleled crisis. The nation…
Europe’s big bonds and the prospect of a boon for Australia
Europe’s big bonds and the prospect of a boon for Australia
Recently concluded negotiations for a new seven-year budget of the European Union, which excluded Britain for the first time in five decades, lasted more than two years and took…
The Costs of COVID: Australia's Economic Prospects in a Wounded World
The Costs of COVID: Australia's Economic Prospects in a Wounded World
Despite a COVID-constrained global economy, rising unemployment and high government debt, meeting the fiscal challenge is within Australia's means
Australia and Sri Lanka: Air connectivity in the Indian Ocean region
Australia and Sri Lanka: Air connectivity in the Indian Ocean region
Australia and Sri Lanka’s recent experience working together to prevent people smuggling from Sri Lanka has been one of the more significant, and largely unreported, wins in…
Australia doesn’t need to choose between guns and butter
Australia doesn’t need to choose between guns and butter
The Morrison government’s plan for defence spending outlined in the Defence Strategic Update last month has been incorporated into the Canberra consensus, with Labor offering no…