
Southeast Asian democracies in declining health amid Covid-19
Southeast Asian democracies in declining health amid Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic is affecting democracies in the Asia-Pacific region in ways that demand Australian attention. The ability to weather a crisis of this magnitude depends…
Economic diplomacy: Diversification dilemmas
Economic diplomacy: Diversification dilemmas
Costing the D word Diversification might be the word of the moment in the lexicon of Australian trade debate, even though few advocates make much attempt to explain how it will…
Defence Strategic Update 2020: A first assessment
Defence Strategic Update 2020: A first assessment
The Defence Strategic Update 2020 launched yesterday in Canberra is a notably candid assessment of the strategic challenges Australia faces and the measures with which the…
Emerging From COVID: Policy Responses To The Pandemic
Emerging From COVID: Policy Responses To The Pandemic
In this new feature, Lowy Institute experts provide policy recommendations for Australia to address issues that are critical to our nation’s — and the world’s —…
Vale Owen Harries 1930–2020
Vale Owen Harries 1930–2020
On behalf of my Chairman Sir Frank Lowy as well as the Board and staff of the Lowy Institute, I would like to express my sadness at the news that our friend, colleague and mentor…
Owen Harries: Never the ideologue
Owen Harries: Never the ideologue
It would be difficult to think of anyone who has been more percipient about international affairs in recent decades than Owen Harries. Harries, who was the Australian ambassador…
Australians look to India more – and don’t always like what they see
Australians look to India more – and don’t always like what they see
A lack of trust from the Australian population towards India is probably the last thing the Morrison government wants right now, as it seeks to shore up its relationship with its…
The goals for Australia to do better
The goals for Australia to do better
Although the idea is hard to bear, we now all know that Australia’s 2019–20 bushfire catastrophe and the Covid-19 crisis will not be one-off historical events. Public health…
Australia should support India in the Himalayas
Australia should support India in the Himalayas
The conflict between India and China on their disputed Himalayan border may be an important turning point in their relationship. Australia should take the opportunity to show firm…
Canberra vs Beijing: A response to Sam Roggeveen
Canberra vs Beijing: A response to Sam Roggeveen
Sam Roggeveen is absolutely right. Australia’s China debate has been dramatically transformed over the past few years. Like him, I welcome a robust discussion about our…