
Creating a Pacific bubble
Creating a Pacific bubble
The success in containing the Covid-19 pandemic in both Australia and New Zealand has led to a novel idea – the opening up of trans-Tasman travel as long as each country is able…
The prospects for China’s post–Covid-19 economy
The prospects for China’s post–Covid-19 economy
While the Canberra political establishment has been sparring with China’s Foreign Ministry – and with Australian billionaires – much of the corporate elite has begun puzzling how…
Notes on representing Australia in Papua New Guinea
Notes on representing Australia in Papua New Guinea
Jon Philp, who commenced as Australian High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea early this month, is the 16th to serve as Australia’s lead diplomatic representative in Port Moresby…
Foresight and pragmatism missing in Australia’s relations with China
Foresight and pragmatism missing in Australia’s relations with China
There are many reasons the world needs an independent inquiry into the origins of the novel coronavirus. After all, the pandemic has infected nearly three million people and taken…
Back to the future: Keeping Australian air lines of communication open
Back to the future: Keeping Australian air lines of communication open
One of the (many) astounding things that have come out of the Covid-19 crisis is just how fragile are Australia’s connections with the outside world. The government’s role in…
105 years on, a digital commemoration marks a very different Anzac Day
105 years on, a digital commemoration marks a very different Anzac Day
This year, Anzac Day is different. The coronavirus pandemic has prompted the enforcement of measures to keep people physically apart and the cancelling of public gatherings and…
Australia needs a comprehensive plan for Covid-19 in the Pacific
Australia needs a comprehensive plan for Covid-19 in the Pacific
Of all the regions in the world, the twin health and economic crises caused by the Covid-19 pandemic have the potential to hit the Pacific the hardest. Pacific Island nations…
International Covid cooperation: Lessons from HIV/AIDS
International Covid cooperation: Lessons from HIV/AIDS
Since it was first identified in the early 1980s, HIV/AIDS has infected an estimated 78 million people and killed 35 million. Although there have been significant advances in…
Australia should offer Indonesia crisis insurance ­– quickly
Australia should offer Indonesia crisis insurance ­– quickly
The Morrison government needs to urgently consider how it might best help Indonesia manage the economic risks posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Indonesia faces a perilous outlook…
Economic diplomacy: foreign investment under Covid, supply chain kinks
Economic diplomacy: foreign investment under Covid, supply chain kinks
World beating When the Australian government asserted control over all new foreign investment two weeks ago in response to Covid-19, the move was sugar-coated with the…