
Who really killed the Quad 1.0?
Who really killed the Quad 1.0?
The tale has become accepted diplomatic folklore. In the telling, it was Australia, back in 2008 in the early days of the Rudd government, that decided to scuttle the then…
Prospects for closer strategic ties between India and Australia
Prospects for closer strategic ties between India and Australia
China’s rise and assertive behaviour has been a source of concern to both India and Australia. While India prioritises its territorial disputes with China and China’s growing…
Seychelles: Truth, justice and Australia
Seychelles: Truth, justice and Australia
Australia has not usually had a high profile in the Indian Ocean island states such as Seychelles, Mauritius and Madagascar. This despite Australia’s huge Indian Ocean littoral,…
A G7+?
A G7+?
“Flattery with a catch” is the best way to describe Donald Trump’s call to include Australia in an expanded Group of 7 meeting, or G7. No doubt Canberra would love a seat…
A Yazidi genocide trial commences – a Hezbollah ban contemplated
A Yazidi genocide trial commences – a Hezbollah ban contemplated
Remarkably, for all the international attention on the plight of the Yazidi back in 2014 as Islamic State ravaged Iraq, it has taken until now, six years later, to bring the first…
Getting back to harvest: The way forward after China’s barley tariff
Getting back to harvest: The way forward after China’s barley tariff
China’s decision to impose heavy tariffs on Australian barley and the alleged connection with Australia’s call for an independent international investigation into the origins of…
The battle for a Covid vaccine risks losing the “war”
The battle for a Covid vaccine risks losing the “war”
Leaders of nations around the globe have resorted to the language of warfare to characterise their fight against Covid-19. From US President Donald Trump, who declared himself a …
Islands of opportunity: Where India and Australia can work together
Islands of opportunity: Where India and Australia can work together
As India and Australia prepare for a virtual summit next month between prime ministers amid the coronavirus pandemic, a possible strategic initiative could involve the cooperative…
Economic diplomacy: Mood shift afoot
Economic diplomacy: Mood shift afoot
Retail therapyWhen even the normally unflappable Trade Minister Simon Birmingham bluntly tells business to reduce ties with the country that has underpinned the Australian economy…
West Papua: Looking for an opening
West Papua: Looking for an opening
When the world is grappling with the kind of calamity few of us have experienced before, it can be easy to forget other crises. Climate change springs to mind. So, too, does the…