
Submission to Inquiry into Australia's Defence Relationships with Pacific Island Countries
Submission to Inquiry into Australia's Defence Relationships with Pacific Island Countries
In July, Jonathan Pryke presented a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Inquiry into Australia's defence relationships with Pacific…
Economic diplomacy: Post-Covid trade, from decoupling to wet markets
Economic diplomacy: Post-Covid trade, from decoupling to wet markets
Multilateralism lives With European leaders having just spent five days in close-contact negotiations in Brussels and now Australia’s first offshore ministerial visit for almost…
Managing Chinese economic risks means more than diversification
Managing Chinese economic risks means more than diversification
There is growing support for diversifying Australia’s economic ties with China in order to reduce the risks of economic coercion. The main bilateral economic ties are through…
Five Eyes: Blurring the lines between intelligence and policy
Five Eyes: Blurring the lines between intelligence and policy
The public aura around the decades-old “Five Eyes” intelligence sharing partnership between Australia, the US, UK, Canada, New Zealand has expanded rapidly since the name was…
Australia lays down the law in the South China Sea dispute
Australia lays down the law in the South China Sea dispute
Australia has entered the renewed diplomatic fray about China’s maritime claims in the South China Sea, clarifying, if not entirely resolving, Canberra’s previously vague legal…
Interesting times for TikTok
Interesting times for TikTok
From Delhi to Washington to Canberra, the future of the digital economy may be heavily influenced by how one question is answered: What to do about TikTok? The popular short…
India, Australia and containing the China challenge
India, Australia and containing the China challenge
Australia’s strategy on engaging India has long revolved around the so-called “three Cs”: cricket, curry and the Commonwealth. In light of the changing status of bilateral…
Hidden gems in the 2020 Force Structure Plan
Hidden gems in the 2020 Force Structure Plan
The recent release of the Defence Strategic Update and Force Structure Plan provided an outline of the government’s defence policy and capability priorities for the next decade…
Social credit: The next China risk for Australian business
Social credit: The next China risk for Australian business
As China recovers from the Covid-19 crisis, the apparatus of the state is about to be devoted to a new form of social control. By the end of 2020, China plans to introduce its…
Devaluing DFAT
Devaluing DFAT
The launch of the 2020 Defence Strategic Outlook prompted some observers to argue that Australia should boost the firepower of its diplomacy as well as its defence force. They…