
Trump's coming hard line on China
Trump's coming hard line on China
US President Donald Trump’s first visit to Beijing was an exhibition of mutual flattery. China rolled out the red carpet for what it termed a 'state visit plus', replete with…
How art threatens to spoil China’s party
How art threatens to spoil China’s party
This article is based on Episode 15 of the Little Red Podcast, featuring Sampson Wong, Badiucao and Louisa Lim Many of my best friends in China are hated by all but their…
No need to self-censor in the face of China
No need to self-censor in the face of China
The recent decision by Allen & Unwin to drop Clive Hamilton's book on Chinese influence illustrates that China need not exert much effort in influencing us. We're doing the…
Clear waters and green mountains: Will Xi Jinping take the lead on climate change?
Clear waters and green mountains: Will Xi Jinping take the lead on climate change?
President Trump’s retreat on climate change put China ‘in the driver’s seat’. But to really demonstrate leadership, China needs to green its overseas investments. Sam Geall
Trump in China: Game, set, and possibly match to Beijing
Trump in China: Game, set, and possibly match to Beijing
The bullish US President has finally visited China. No doubt, as he watched the city swish past in his motorcade, he must have looked appreciatively at the Beijing skyline and…
Quad redux: A new agenda for Asia's maritime democracies
Quad redux: A new agenda for Asia's maritime democracies
With President Donald Trump part-way into his protracted tour of Asia, much of the focus has been on the North Korea threat, his personal relations with Prime Minister Abe of…
The long reach of China’s United Front Work
The long reach of China’s United Front Work
China’s official state mouthpiece, the Xinhua news agency, last month declared 'Enlightened Chinese Democracy Puts the West In the Shade.' While Xinhua maintains the fiction…
Censorship is superfluous in Xi’s ‘New Era’
Censorship is superfluous in Xi’s ‘New Era’
Tiny children sit in a row on miniature wooden chairs, their attention focused on a television screen showing Chinese President Xi Jinping in full oration mode, in incongruous…
Xi Jinping's state capitalism is here to stay
Xi Jinping's state capitalism is here to stay
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review.Roland Rajah
The move to one-man rule in China and beyond
The move to one-man rule in China and beyond
The much anticipated 19th Party Congress has come to a close in China after a week of painstakingly constructed public displays of Chinese Communist Party successes, goals, and…