
Xi, Orwell and the language of Chinese politics
Xi, Orwell and the language of Chinese politics
The 19th Party Congress closed earlier this week with the announcement that 'Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era' would be enshrined in the…
The 19th Party Congress: A more assertive Chinese foreign policy
The 19th Party Congress: A more assertive Chinese foreign policy
In a landmark address that kicked off the 19th Party Congress, President Xi Jinping articulated his vision for China's future. The three-and-a-half-hour reading of the work report…
Uncertain future for China's state capitalism
Uncertain future for China's state capitalism
Originally published in the Nikkei Asian Review.Roland Rajah
The 19th Party Congress: Xi's mid-term appraisal
The 19th Party Congress: Xi's mid-term appraisal
As Interpreter readers will no doubt be aware, this is an exciting week for China-watchers as it marks the mid-term point for President Xi Jinping's time in office – that is,…
Belt and Road: The case for ‘wait and see’
Belt and Road: The case for ‘wait and see’
Nick Bisley is right to call for a clearer – and I would add more confident – Australian strategy towards China. But should this involve signing up to President Xi Jinping's Belt…
Australia’s oddly absent Belt and Road Strategy
Australia’s oddly absent Belt and Road Strategy
In a recent speech at the University of Adelaide's Confucius Institute, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Secretary Frances Adamson tackled the controversial issue of…
Australia’s One-China Policy and why it matters
Australia’s One-China Policy and why it matters
Australia is in the midst of a vociferous debate over China. Reporting and commentary on Chinese Party-state sway over Australia's public and political institutions has…
The Han-opticon: The hazards of China research in the Xi era
The Han-opticon: The hazards of China research in the Xi era
This post is based on Episode 14 of The Little Red Podcast featuring Glenn Tiffert from the University of Michigan, Dayton Lekner from the University of Melbourne, and Timothy…
Xi Jinping's moment
Xi Jinping's moment
Xi Jinping, a politically daring, economically cautious, Chinese leader is certain to win a second five-year term at the 19th Party Congress, but his harsh line…
On North Korea, China’s interests are unchanged
On North Korea, China’s interests are unchanged
China's recent move to close North Korean businesses operating in China is undoubtedly welcome news to Australian and US policymakers. However, this is should not be seen as…