
Beijing’s online gaming clampdown
Beijing’s online gaming clampdown
Last month, Tencent Chairman and Chief Executive Pony Ma (马化腾) sent out an open letter, announcing a major strategic shift in direction for one of Asia’s most valuable technology…
Scoring China’s happiness quest
Scoring China’s happiness quest
China is fast approaching the first of its “two centenaries”: the 100th anniversary in 2021 of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. In 2021, according to its leaders,…
Signalling a whole-of-Australia approach to China
Signalling a whole-of-Australia approach to China
One of the most challenging aspects of Australia’s bilateral relationship with China is finding new ways to signal our interest in the big issues that are shaping the future…
The new normal: a close naval encounter in the South China Sea
The new normal: a close naval encounter in the South China Sea
The release of video footage from the bridge wing of USS Decatur which shows its recent close encounter with the Chinese destroyer Lanzhou in the South China Sea confirms the…
China: re-engineering the Uighur
China: re-engineering the Uighur
Break their lineage, break their roots, break their connections, and break their origins. These chilling words are stated in an internal document, reported by news agency…
Chinese fishing fleet a security issue for Australia
Chinese fishing fleet a security issue for Australia
China’s fishing fleet has been at the forefront of disputes in the South China Sea, and the expansion of China's fleet into the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean may soon create…
How China changed its language on speech
How China changed its language on speech
The Heart Eyes Emoji is one of the most commonly used icons in today’s digital communications worldwide. The smiling face with heart-shaped eyes generally means adoration and love…
Deng’s ghost haunts Xi, as Maoism makes a return
Deng’s ghost haunts Xi, as Maoism makes a return
President Xi Jinping is trying to lead the Chinese economy through a very difficult period. Yet despite Xi’s political nous, success is far from assured. Starting with the…
Melbourne joins the Belt-and-Road
Melbourne joins the Belt-and-Road
Most maps of the Belt and Road Initiative, the People’s Republic of China’s signature international policy program, have sweeping arrows connecting China with almost all corners…
With Trump in Mind, China Realigns
With Trump in Mind, China Realigns
The past week says a lot about the quagmire that Chinese President Xi Jinping has found his country in, as his American counterpart Donald Trump has shown no sign of de-escalating…