
US-China competition is all about us
US-China competition is all about us
We are not entering a new Cold War, despite both Chinese President Xi and US Vice-President Pence finding the term a useful rhetorical tool. The Americans have decided to…
How the US can prevent a China-dominated Asia
How the US can prevent a China-dominated Asia
The US military is dangerously under-funded and could lose the next big war it wages. That is the key message from a new report by the influential National Defense Strategy…
Uighur: Australia needs to end “business as usual” with China
Uighur: Australia needs to end “business as usual” with China
In the Uighur-Australian communities of Adelaide, Sydney, and Melbourne, almost everyone can tell you a story of losing contact with family members in the Xinjiang Uighur…
Xi and Trump at G20: A tariff truce
Xi and Trump at G20: A tariff truce
This truce is by no means the end of trade tensions between China and the US. Over what was undoubtedly a delicious dinner last Saturday night on the sidelines of the G20 meeting…
Wang Qishan and China’s charm offensive against US trade war
Wang Qishan and China’s charm offensive against US trade war
During a forum in Singapore organised by Michael Bloomberg this month, the former New York mayor flatteringly ­– but not entirely factually – introduced China’s Vice…
China, where not all media are created equal
China, where not all media are created equal
Journalists in China are routinely harassed by police and even imprisoned for trying to cover stories that local officials do not want to get in the news. In 2018, the Reporters…
The forces needed to protect the Belt and Road
The forces needed to protect the Belt and Road
Last week’s attack on the Chinese consulate in Karachi by Baluchi separatists underlines China’s growing vulnerabilities in connection with its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)…
Feminism and femininity in Xi Jinping’s “New Era”
Feminism and femininity in Xi Jinping’s “New Era”
In September, Leta Hong Fincher released her second book on gender inequality in China, Betraying Big Brother: the Feminist Awakening in China. The book depicts a Communist Party…
China: a party of governance and control, not revolution
China: a party of governance and control, not revolution
Last week, self-proclaimed Marxist labour activists across China were rounded up by the authorities. Many were students or graduates of some of the country’s most prestigious…
Barley and bases: China stings Australian farmers
Barley and bases: China stings Australian farmers
China’s Ministry of Commerce announced on Monday that it would immediately start a year-long anti-dumping probe into imported barley from Australia. China is Australia’s largest…