
Best of The Interpreter 2018: The US-China trade war
Best of The Interpreter 2018: The US-China trade war
In recent months, the US-China relationship has accelerated from rivalry toward adversarial antagonism. In the US, a policy shift on China has been propelled by a sense that…
Kovrig case casts pall over China research ties
Kovrig case casts pall over China research ties
Just as the Trump-Xi meeting at the G20 produced a glimmer of hope for mutual de-escalation, the US-China trade war has taken its ugliest turn yet. Last week, Beijing detained…
The new US Africa strategy is not about Africa. It’s about China
The new US Africa strategy is not about Africa. It’s about China
President Donald Trump’s national security advisor John Bolton outlined the US administration’s new Africa strategy in a speech last week at the Heritage Foundation, a…
What I missed this year: America pushes back
What I missed this year: America pushes back
A series where Lowy Institute experts look back on what surprised them in 2018. For some years now I have believed that the United States is on the losing end of a long struggle…
Russian gas will not stop China’s air pollution
Russian gas will not stop China’s air pollution
As Beijing clamps down on air pollution, it is seeking to replace coal power plants with cleaner natural gas, especially for heating during winter. Consequently, China has…
US-China tensions: is this about economics or security?
US-China tensions: is this about economics or security?
The administration has recognised that the true challenge China presents is not fundamentally one of a rising power threatening to replace an established power. Instead it is the…
Playing the hostage card: the Meng Wanzhou & Michael Kovrig cases
Playing the hostage card: the Meng Wanzhou & Michael Kovrig cases
On 1 December, as President Donald J. Trump and President Xi Jinping were meeting in Buenos Aires to discuss a mounting trade dispute between the United States and China, Sabrina…
Meng Wanzhou: China’s “tantrum diplomacy” and Huawei
Meng Wanzhou: China’s “tantrum diplomacy” and Huawei
As Huawei’s chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou sits in Canada, awaiting potential extradition to the United States, her case underscores two themes that have become evident…
Xi Jinping in 2018: Any closer to the truth?
Xi Jinping in 2018: Any closer to the truth?
In 2016, I published a study of Xi Jinping, CEO China: The Rise of Xi Jinping (I B Tauris). This book has subsequently been reissued in paperback, and in 2018 I did a shorter…
China takes off for the Moon, tethered by politics at home
China takes off for the Moon, tethered by politics at home
Early on Saturday morning, China launched the Chang’e 4 robot spacecraft on course for the Moon. If all goes well, it will become the first spacecraft in history to soft-land on…