Global Economy

G20: Rudd should go because it's important
Mike Callaghan is Director of the Lowy Institute's G20 Studies Centre. The G20 Leaders' summit in St Petersburg on 5-6 September 2013 continues to be a factor influencing the…
Financial regulation and the G20
Financial regulation and the G20
This issue of the Monitor examines financial regulation and the role of the G20. It is part of a series examining specific issues on the G20 agenda. The next Monitor will cover…
G20 Studies Centre workshop 25 June 2013: Trade and the G20
G20 Studies Centre workshop 25 June 2013: Trade and the G20
G20 Studies Centre workshop 25 June 2013: Trade and the G20Hugh Jorgensen
G20 needs to pay attention to WTO
G20 needs to pay attention to WTO
In an opinion piece in The Australian Financial Review, Mark Thirlwell writes that the WTO needs to be prepared for the ways in which looming mega-regional deals will change the…
Saving multilateralism: the G20, the WTO, and world trade
Saving multilateralism: the G20, the WTO, and world trade
The multilateral trading system, an important contributor to global peace and prosperity, is in trouble.  In a new Lowy Institute Analysis for the G20 Studies Centre, Mark…
Trade and the G20
Trade and the G20
This issue of the Monitor examines international trade and the role of the G20. Over coming months the Monitor will cover in detail a number of issues that are, or should be on…
The G20 Leaders’ process five years on: an assessment from an Asian perspective
The G20 Leaders’ process five years on: an assessment from an Asian perspective
One of the most significant developments in global economic leadership in recent years has been the development of the G20 Leaders’ Summit.After a positive start,…
Australian model or Australian bubble?
Australian model or Australian bubble?
Mark Thirlwell has an essay in the March-April issue of Pacific Standard that takes a look at Australia’s recent economic success and assesses whether we can keep…
Strengthening the core of the G20: clearer objectives, better communication, greater transparency and accountability
Strengthening the core of the G20: clearer objectives, better communication, greater transparency and accountability
To be the premier forum for international economic cooperation, the G20 will need to strengthen such core features as clarity of objectives, communication, transparency and…
G20: rebutting some misconceptions
G20: rebutting some misconceptions
The second issue of the Lowy Institute G20 Monitor contains a summary of recent G20 developments and four ‘rebuttal’ articles that counter ­common misconceptions about the forum…