Global Economy

Tax, Infrastructure, Anti-Corruption, Energy and the G20
Tax, Infrastructure, Anti-Corruption, Energy and the G20
This issue of the Monitor deals with infrastructure financing, combatting tax evasion and avoidance, fighting corruption and global energy governance. The question being explored…
Bilateral, regional, multilateral: Trade negotiations are warming up
Australian trade officials are having a busy time at the moment. Firstly, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is being discussed in Bali, alongside the APEC Economic Leaders'…
US shutdown just the latest G20 headache
Mike Callaghan is Director of the Lowy Institute's G20 Studies Centre. When G20 finance ministers meet in Washington, DC at the IMF Annual Meetings on 10-11 October, there will…
Judicious ambition: international policy priorities for the new Australian Government
Judicious ambition: international policy priorities for the new Australian Government
In this new Lowy Institute Analysis, a number of Lowy Institute experts outline what they believe should be some key international priorities for the new Australian Government…
The election's G20 factor
The election's G20 factor
One of the more unanticipated explanations for the Rudd government’s delay in announcing the date of election 2013 is the need to factor in the G20 leaders’ summit on…
If the G20 is so great, why isn't Rudd going?
Hugh Jorgensen is a Research Associate in the Lowy Institute's G20 Studies Centre. It took me three years of work to get us into the G20. We are hosting it next year. To have…
Development and the G20
Development and the G20
This issue of the G20 Monitor examines the topic of development and the G20.  In line with the coverage of G20 agenda items in previous issues of the Monitor, the focus is on…
G20 needs to ask the big questions
G20 needs to ask the big questions
In an opinion piece for The Australian Financial Review, Director of the G20 Studies Centre, Mike Callaghan, writes about the current state of international financial regulation,…
G20 on tax avoidance: Talk or action?
Mike Callaghan is Director of the Lowy Institute's G20 Studies Centre. There were reports prior to the G20 finance ministers' meeting in Moscow on 19-20 July that, while G20…
G20 Studies Centre Workshop 12 July 2013: Financial regulation and the G20
G20 Studies Centre Workshop 12 July 2013: Financial regulation and the G20
G20 Studies Centre Workshop 12 July 2013: Financial regulation and the G20Hugh Jorgensen