
Indonesia is talking tough on drugs, and Australians should listen
Indonesia is talking tough on drugs, and Australians should listen
Last month, Indonesian President Joko Widodo issued a stern missive to the law enforcement agencies responsible for tackling drug crime: 'Be firm, especially to foreign drug…
Indonesia's unorthodox toll road debt
Indonesia's unorthodox toll road debt
In 2016 Indonesia’s Ministry of Public Works dramatically underestimated the funds it needed to acquire land for toll road development. To try to keep development on schedule, the…
Jokowi's panicky politics
Jokowi's panicky politics
Originally published in Foreign Affairs.Matthew Busch
Indonesia’s new North Natuna Sea: What’s in a name?
Indonesia’s new North Natuna Sea: What’s in a name?
On Friday, Indonesian officials announced that they had renamed the waters northeast of the Natuna Islands, at the far southern end of the South China Sea, the 'North Natuna Sea'…
Jokowi’s bungled ban of Hizbut Tahrir
Jokowi’s bungled ban of Hizbut Tahrir
On 13 July, Indonesia's President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) issued a regulation in lieu of law (Perppu) which will allow the banning of the Islamist organisation Hizbut Tahrir…
Trump's Indonesian business dealings: Taking the toll road
Trump's Indonesian business dealings: Taking the toll road
This week ABC’s Four Corners ran an exposé of US President Donald Trump’s business dealings in Indonesia. The investigative report featured the taking over of a toll road…
Islamist violence in Marawi City a potential threat to Indonesia
Islamist violence in Marawi City a potential threat to Indonesia
Originally published in the Australian.  Alan Dupont
‘Maphilindo’ cooperation on the Marawi siege
‘Maphilindo’ cooperation on the Marawi siege
On Monday, Philippine Foreign Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano announced that Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi is planning a trilateral conference with the Philippines and…
Indonesian democracy: Down, but not out
Indonesian democracy: Down, but not out
The imprisonment on blasphemy charges of Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, better known as Ahok, has been a blow to hopes that his earlier success in public office…
Refugee detention in Indonesia
Refugee detention in Indonesia
It was a morning like any other until Mohammed, the 16-year-old refugee, was arrested by Indonesian immigration officials at a local market. In order to support his family, who…