
Two decisions that leave Indonesia more polarised than ever
Two decisions that leave Indonesia more polarised than ever
Two back-to-back decisions have left Indonesia more religiously polarised than ever. One was politically inept, the second deeply unjust. Both may come back to haunt the Jokowi…
Resource nationalism in post-boom Indonesia: The new normal?
Resource nationalism in post-boom Indonesia: The new normal?
Most observers expected resource nationalism in Indonesia to fade once the global commodity boom ended. Yet despite more difficult economic circumstances, Indonesia’s government…
Jakarta election result spells trouble for Jokowi and Indonesia
Jakarta election result spells trouble for Jokowi and Indonesia
The heavy loss of incumbent Jakarta Governor Basuki ‘Ahok’ Tjahaja Purnama to former education minister Anies Baswedan signals rising intolerance and demonstrates the influence of…
Why the Jakarta election result could be bad news for Jokowi
Why the Jakarta election result could be bad news for Jokowi
Originally published in the Sydney Morning Herald. Photo: Getty Images/Oscar Siagian Matthew Busch
Indonesia must lead for sake of its interests in South China Sea
Indonesia must lead for sake of its interests in South China Sea
Originally published in the Jakarta Post. Aaron L Connelly
Indonesia di Laut Cina Selatan: Berjalan sendiri
Indonesia di Laut Cina Selatan: Berjalan sendiri
Selagi Indonesia di bawah pimpinan Jokowi dapat diharapkan terus mengambil langkah unilateral untuk memperkuat posisi Indonesia di sekitar Kepulauan Natuna, Jokowi belum memainkan…
Infrastructure: How Indonesia could shift up a gear
Infrastructure: How Indonesia could shift up a gear
Next year Indonesia will host the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Nusa Dua, Bali. This is a big deal: these meetings leave Washington only…
Can Indonesia take on Freeport?
Can Indonesia take on Freeport?
Originally published in the East Asia Forum. Matthew Busch
After a slow start, Turnbull and Jokowi ready to get down to business
After a slow start, Turnbull and Jokowi ready to get down to business
Malcolm Turnbull is moving quickly to maintain the momentum of an improving relationship with Indonesia with a speedily organised visit to Jakarta this week. The prime minister’s…
Fairness not the meat in Joko Widodo deal
Fairness not the meat in Joko Widodo deal
More than anything, President Joko Widodo's brief recent visit to Australia showcased a warm, personal rapport between him and Malcolm Turnbull, and the Prime Minister is to be…