The Trump Presidency

The Trump call forces Australia to confront a big question
The Trump call forces Australia to confront a big question
Let’s consider a few alternative theories to explain President Trump’s behaviour in his phone call with Prime Minister Turnbull, revealed by the Washington Post yesterday,…
Australian immigration in the Trump era
Australian immigration in the Trump era
Earlier this week Malcolm Turnbull said it wasn’t his job as Prime Minister of Australia 'to run a commentary on the domestic policies of other countries' after President Trump…
The three factors that will drive US policy in Asia
The three factors that will drive US policy in Asia
In the 10 days since his inauguration President Trump has sought to convey the appearance of a strong and energetic leader committed to delivering exactly what he promised…
Trump’s trade protectionism
Trump’s trade protectionism
President Trump is off to a flying start on his promised trade protectionism, with executive orders on withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and renegotiation of NAFTA,…
Donald Trump's administration: It's not as good as it looks
Donald Trump's administration: It's not as good as it looks
Trump's dark vision of America's role in the world is worrying, even if he had the teams and political skills to pull it off, writes Michael Fullilove in the Australian Financial…
Trump's CIA speech reveals a challenge to America's 'deep state'
Trump's CIA speech reveals a challenge to America's 'deep state'
Yesterday, in his first official engagement as President, Donald Trump visited CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia where he gave a 15-minute televised speech in front of the…
From Obama optimism to Trumpian gloom
From Obama optimism to Trumpian gloom
When the heavens opened up and it started to rain just as President Donald J. Trump began his inaugural address, it was hard not to see it as an omen. Barack Obama, a relentless…
Trump and the intelligence community
Trump and the intelligence community
Not for the first time in US history, Russia hysteria has hijacked the political discourse. Rhetoric abounds that Russia 'hacked' the US election; the actual charge is that…
An unprecedented president
An unprecedented president
The showman now has to govern, writes James Curran in the Australian on 14 January. Photo: Getty Images/The Washington PostJames Curran
South China Sea: Tillerson throws a rhetorical bomb
South China Sea: Tillerson throws a rhetorical bomb
US Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson has made some potentially explosive remarks about the South China Sea at his Congressional confirmation hearing: In comments expected…