The Trump Presidency

Meet Rex Tillerson: Trump's pick for Secretary of State
Meet Rex Tillerson: Trump's pick for Secretary of State
Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State designate, was not so much a dark horse as a late finisher for the most prestigious job in Washington apart from the presidency itself. …
James Mattis: Mad Dog, warrior monk and defence sec nominee
James Mattis: Mad Dog, warrior monk and defence sec nominee
When Donald Trump at the weekend revealed the identity of his nominee for defence secretary he referred to him by his soubriquet: Mad Dog. He also likened retired Marine General…
US-Russia rivalry takes the stage
US-Russia rivalry takes the stage
Recent developments in the US Presidential race should put to rest any lingering doubt that one nation’s information warfare capabilities can fundamentally affect the politics of…
Don't count on the Russians backing down this time
Don't count on the Russians backing down this time
Happily, Russia and the US seem to have pulled back from some of the bitterness, outrage and disappointment that set the tone between them 10 days ago.  But the stakes in…
The 2016 presidential campaign and the crisis of US foreign policy
The 2016 presidential campaign and the crisis of US foreign policy
A Trump presidency could see the United States undermine the liberal international order that it helped to establish. Clinton, by contrast, would be a more traditional…