The Trump Presidency

Tense times for the Iran nuclear deal
Tense times for the Iran nuclear deal
This week US President Donald Trump is due to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. On the agenda will be Iran and, more specifically, the nuclear deal reached between…
Congress rallies around Australia
Congress rallies around Australia
The US-Australia refugee deal may die once President Donald Trump has studied the 'dumb deal' and considered whether it will get him 'killed' politically. But if domestic…
How Trump's economic plans will come unstuck
How Trump's economic plans will come unstuck
There is plenty to ponder about President Donald Trump's impact on global politics, but in the realm of economics, there are grounds to wonder if his administration will make…
Losing the plot on immigration policy
Losing the plot on immigration policy
After three decades in the immigration business, I thought I understood how it worked, but now I am convinced I have lost the plot. In the past, governments that were concerned…
Cracks in the US-Australia Relationship
Cracks in the US-Australia Relationship
Turnbull and subsequent Australian leaders may have to say no to Washington more often in future, writes James Curran for CFR's Asia Unbound blog on 6 February.James Curran
Trump's travel ban likely to go to US Supreme Court
Trump's travel ban likely to go to US Supreme Court
It is often said that a week is a long time in politics, but in the United States the weekend saw the political and legal landscape change almost by the hour. On Friday evening…
Mattis visit unlikely to calm Trump-rattled allies
Mattis visit unlikely to calm Trump-rattled allies
This is a weird time for US allies in Asia. This week’s visit by the new American Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, to northeast Asia should be a routine alliance maintenance…
After Trump’s phone call, Australians worry about an old alliance
After Trump’s phone call, Australians worry about an old alliance
Australians have benefited from the liberal order that the US president wants to dismantle, writes Michael Fullilove in the Financial Times on 4 February. Photo: Getty Images…
Why the Turnbull and Trump phone call is no passing spat
Why the Turnbull and Trump phone call is no passing spat
Yes, it was just a phone call, and the storm will pass. But in the background, history is moving against the US-Australia alliance, writes Sam Roggeveen in the Australian…
Australia needs to adapt to the new circumstances of Trump’s America
Australia needs to adapt to the new circumstances of Trump’s America
Malcolm Turnbull was right to stand his ground over his refugee deal with the US but the episode reveals the limitations of his interpretation of the new administration, writes…