
The future according to Vlad and Shinzo
The future according to Vlad and Shinzo
Vladimir Putin’s visit to Japan later this week is not interesting in itself. Rather, it is the strategic environment in which it is happening that holds our attention. Through…
Why Trump shouldn't weaken US sanctions on Russia (Part 2)
Why Trump shouldn't weaken US sanctions on Russia (Part 2)
Part 1 of this series examined the history of the US sanctions on Russia and differing measures of their success. This post looks at the impact of those sanctions in Central Asia…
Why Trump shouldn't weaken US sanctions on Russia (part 1)
Why Trump shouldn't weaken US sanctions on Russia (part 1)
Donald Trump’s election has caused consternation among almost every mainstream group of policymakers in Washington. Chief among them are those who advocate for a strong US posture…
Russia's naval strategy in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean
Russia's naval strategy in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean
With plumes of black smoke at times issuing from its engines, Russia’s only aircraft carrier, the 55,000-ton Soviet-era Kuznetsov, arrived off the Syrian coast at the head of…
The real Trump-Putin connection
The real Trump-Putin connection
Among the first (and originally few) world leaders to congratulate Donald Trump on winning the White House was Russian President Vladimir Putin. But was Putin also the first…
TurkStream: Putin’s latest triumph over the West? (Part 2)
TurkStream: Putin’s latest triumph over the West? (Part 2)
For part one of this essay, click here. As explained in part one, Turkstream is a joint venture between Russia’s state-owned gas behemoth Gazprom and Turkey’s state-owned BOTAS…
TurkStream: Putin’s latest triumph over the West? (Part 1)
TurkStream: Putin’s latest triumph over the West? (Part 1)
Russia’s resurgence is undeniable. Whether it be in Syria, Ukraine, or Crimea, Russia is making headlines. There are allegations of Kremlin backed cyber-attacks on the current US…
US-Russia rivalry takes the stage
US-Russia rivalry takes the stage
Recent developments in the US Presidential race should put to rest any lingering doubt that one nation’s information warfare capabilities can fundamentally affect the politics of…
Don't count on the Russians backing down this time
Don't count on the Russians backing down this time
Happily, Russia and the US seem to have pulled back from some of the bitterness, outrage and disappointment that set the tone between them 10 days ago.  But the stakes in…
Understanding Boris Johnson's call to protest Russia
On Tuesday, British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson made an unusual suggestion during his debut appearance at the House of Commons as a representative of the government. 'I would…