
Ending a 60 year stalemate: Japan's push to get a peace treaty with Russia
By Tom Holcombe, an intern with the Lowy Institute's International Security Program It's been more than 70 years since World War II ended but there is still no peace treaty…
What exactly is Russia up to in the East?
Speaking in Washington last week, Julie Bishop noted Russia was 'talking up its so called pivot to Asia'. In her speech to The Center for a New American Security, the Australian…
Russia ships arms to Fiji: What will be the quid pro quo?
By Anna Powles and Jose Sousa-Santos When the MV Saint Confidence and MV Solidat arrived in Suva Harbour last week to deliver a consignment of donated Russian weapons and…
Turkey's downing of Russian plane: Russia was warned but Turkey may have over-reacted
The downing of a Russian Sukhoi Su-24 is awkward timing. Signs of a rapprochement in tensions between the West and Russia looked like genuine cooperation was underway in Syria…
Turkey shootdown: Russian air power has chinks, but campaign has been decisive
News that a Russian strike aircraft has been shot down by Turkey has again focused attention on Russia's air campaign in Syria, which began in late September. The Russians…
Russia's Syria operation reveals significant improvement in military capability
    Although relatively small in scale, Russia's military operation in Syria has highlighted some major improvements in Russian military capabilities. Compared to…
How Iran became the first beneficiary of Russia's Syria Intervention
    The first tactical victory emerging from Russia’s intervention in Syria came not on the al-Ghab plain in Syria’s Hama province or around Syria’s divided…
Assad's Moscow cameo shows that Russia wants a deal
This week, unexpectedly, Syrian President Bashar Assad turned up in Moscow. He hasn't been seen outside Syria since unrest broke out four years ago. The trip makes two important…
On Syria, the West must face facts: Russia can help
Western analysts have been at pains to discern Russia's 'real aims' in Syria.  But the best explanation probably remains the simplest: the preservation of the existing Syrian…