
Russia over a South China Sea barrel
Russia and China have just kicked off a joint naval exercise in the South China Sea, Joint Sea 2016. It is scheduled to last until 19 September, including a visit by the Russian…
Where the Russian intervention in Syria is headed
Russian President Vladimir Putin is well on the way to achieving several objectives of his military intervention in Syria. Russia has ensured the survival of the Assad regime,…
Iran and Russia: Not an easy relationship
Iran’s relationship with Russia has been characterised as many things, ranging from a ‘marriage of convenience’ to a ‘long-lasting alliance’. In reality it's a  pragmatic…
Putin's plan to restore the Romanovs (Part 2)
Putin's plan to restore the Romanovs (Part 2)
Part one of this series examined the notion that Putin is encouraging re-Stalinisation in Russia. This post looks at the public rehabilitation of the Romanov Tsar Nicholas II…
Putin's plan to restore the Romanovs (Part 1)
Putin's plan to restore the Romanovs (Part 1)
When US Secretary of State John Kerry visited Moscow in March, looming over his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin was a statue of Russian Emperor…
After Warsaw: NATO, Russia and the Future of Security in Europe
There was  a time when it was legitimate to wonder what NATO’s future role would be. Not anymore. If anything, the Atlantic Alliance is facing too many missions. Russia and…
The war of the cold words: Russia, the West and propaganda
The war of the cold words: Russia, the West and propaganda
Superficially, Russian Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky’s recent claim that Netflix was a CIA plot resembles another excitable pronouncement from a Kremlin hierarchy…
Putin: Russia’s last ‘pro-Western’ alternative
The West tends to anticipate the eventual downfall of Vladimir Putin with certain exuberance and optimism due to expectations of a more ‘pro-Western’ alternative or even the…
Russia's success in Syria signals an emerging multipolar world order
The silence from Western capitals as ISIS fled Palmyra was as deafening as it was understandable. In Syria, history has refused to follow the script. On 2 October last year, US…
Russia's withdrawal from Syria: Mission accomplished?
There has been widespread confusion among analysts about Russian motives in Syria, confusion that has led to flawed expectations. Russia never sought a 'winner-takes-all' victory…